High readings from smart meter in Hikurangi, Northland

Website editor’s note:  The following report has been contributed by Whangarei journalist Clare Swinney. 

High readings from smart meter in Hikurangi, Northland

A woman in Hikurangi, Northland had concerns about the radiofrequency radiation, (RFR) emissions from the smart meter installed on her family’s home and asked her power provider if it could be removed.  She was advised by an unsympathetic employee that it would not be removed, as the emissions were no different from those emanating from other RFR-emitting devices around the home.

The homeowner decided to get the meter, which is a Landis + Gyr E350, tested.

In order to test the smart meter’s RFR emissions, a Cornet ED78S Electrosmog meter was used and held approximately one foot away at about midday on Monday the 28th of March, 2016.

A few seconds after the Electrosmog meter was turned on a reading of 230milliWatts/ meter squared, (mW/m2) was witnessed.  This was a few seconds before a video camera was turned on, and this emission was then quickly followed by 5 other high emissions, which were recorded on video and were as follows: 240.0 mW/m2, 205.0mW/m2, 230.1mW/m2,  230.1mW/m2 and 219.7mW/m2. There were about 5 second intervals between each of these emissions of radiofrequency radiation.

According to the science-based conclusions in the Bioinitiative Report 2012, bioeffects are clearly established and occur at very low levels of exposure to RFR.   Thus, the comparatively low level of 0.1mW/m2 and below is regarded as safe for during the daytime and 0.01mW/m2 ideal for the night.  Clearly, these repeated bursts of levels over 200mW/m2 were unsafe, particularly at a family home.

The homeowner contacted Nova Energy Limited the next day, as she had heard that this company was considerate of those who did not want a smart meter.    This was confirmed as a Nova agent* advised that they will do what they can to try and get the smart meter removed, but this will be at a yet unspecified cost to the homeowner.   This may be in the vicinity of between $120 and $160, based on other recently received reports.

Here is the video: https://youtu.be/r4c4zIciLPc 

*Note: Nova recently organised the installation of a new Ferraris analogue meter at a home in Christchurch using the services of a company called Legacy Metering Group; please see this link for details.

Smart meters are NOT compulsory in NZ

If you do not want to be exposed to unnecessary microwave radiation from a smart meter, you can say no to a smart meter.

While some staff from some electricity retailers have reportedly made claims to the effect that smart meters are compulsory or some sort of government requirement, it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ.

If you already have a smart meter you can ask your electricity retailer to organise for the smart meter to be removed. Another possible option is for the modem and any ZigBee chip in the smart meter (these are the parts of a smart meter which produce pulses of RF radiation*) to be removed.

You can read about this option at this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/government-and-electricity-industry-positions/comparing-analogue-ferraris-meters-with-smart-meters-which-have-had-the-modem-removed/


Many people in NZ are saying “NO” to smart meters

If you do not already have a smart meter, and do not want to expose yourself to the potential risks of smart meters, which include health and fire risks, as well as higher bills, you may like to read this link to find out about how other New Zealanders are successfully preventing smart meters from being installed at their homes and businesses.

You can read a summary of why many people are saying no to smart meters HERE.


NB: If you would like to keep up to date with information about the “smart” meter issue in NZ, please sign up to the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz. Thank you