Electromagnetic radiation and health presentation at EcoWest Festival on March 25

Eco-West Festival 2015

EcoWest is a month-long festival of diverse events from 14 March – 12 April 2015, showcasing the people and projects caring for the West Auckland environment and connecting you with a myriad of opportunities to discover, make, regenerate and learn.

This year’s festival programme features over 40 events hosted by innovative environmental organisations, businesses, sustainability experts and creative entrepreneurs who embrace eco ideas through their work.

As part of the Eco-West Festival Paul Waddell from www.safespace.net.nz will be giving a presentation on Wednesday 25th March from 6.30 to 8.30.  This will be a practical demonstration of testing for electromagnetic radiation and a discussion on how to be safer in our modern techno world.  Cost is $10 Please click here to make a booking.


NB: To sign up for emails on the smart meter situiation in NZ please visit www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz

Electropollution expert’s lecture now online

Earlier this year 92014) electropollution consultant Paul Waddell from www.safespace.net.nz   gave a lecture on electropollution.  Thank you for Vinny Eastwood for filming the lecture and making its available to everyone on youtube.

You can access part one of the presentation at this link and part two will be added when it is available.



NB: If you would like to get updates on the smart meter issue in New Zealand please join the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz. There is also a search option at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz to allow you to find articles about other topics of interest on this website

Electropollution talk at WellFest October 5th

Electropollution expert Paul Waddell who runs www.safespace.net.nz will be speaking at WellFest in Auckland at 2pm  on Saturday October 5 th. 

Paul will be speaking in Seminar Room 1 and will discuss common sources of electropollution and their health effects.  His talk will also include demonstrations of the equipment and techniques used to assess levels of electropollution and reduce exposure to safer levels.

The venue for the event is the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.  The address of the venue and a map can be accessed through this link: http://www.pacific.org.nz/about-us/contact-us/

There is an entry fee of $10 per adult (children under 12 are free).  There is no further charge for the seminars.


SOURCE:  http://www.naturalmedicine.net.nz/news/electropollution-talk-at-wellfest-october-5th/