If your electricity company is trying to bully you into accepting a “smart meter”, you are not alone.
Below is one of several reports I have received within the last week or so concerning bullying by companies that want to install “smart meters”.
If your company is bullying you, remember that there is no law that says you have to accept a “smart meter” and stand your ground. Once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed – even if it is causing health problems. Please report bullying via the Contact form at this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/. (Your report will be treated in confidence and posted on the site only if you give permission for this to be done.)
If your company persists in trying to make you accept a “smart meter”, you may want to consider changing companies and there is information at this link to help you do this https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/how-to-get-rid-of-a-smart-meter/ Please also see the comments after the report below.
From a health professional:
Hi Katherine,
The following is an approximate quote of a phone conversation between one of my clients who has a significant auto-immune disease (that necessitates her leaving the country for five months during the winter season). She has given me permission to mention her and her condition although I will not use her name at present.
One to two years ago she asked Mercury Energy if she could avoid a smart meter. They said yes. However, they turned up recently to install & were sent away before installation.
Mercury staff: ” We can come onto your property at any time and do what we want & there is nothing that you can do about it”
This was part of an abusive phone conversation, denying my patient’s rights.
Kind Regards,
[Name supplied]
For more information o Mercury Energy, Genesis and EnergyOnline, all companies that are aggressively rolling out “smart meters’, please see these links:
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