If you live in Hamilton or elsewhere in the Waikato you may be offered a “smart box” by WEL.
This so-called “smart box” is actually a Landis+Gyr “smart meter”, which like all the “smart meters” in use in NZ, produces radiofrequency radiation classified as a type 2B possible carcinogen.
Although WEL’s website suggest that there is a government requirement to have a “smart box” there is no law or regulation which forces you to accept a “smart box” if you do not want one. Other people have successfully refused a WEL :”smart box” and you can, too.
Please see this link for more information: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/uncategorized/wel-smart-box-installation-prevented/
Please also note that a WEL “smart box” may also be able to be used to collect data from a “smart” water meter. If you do not want a “smart” water meter (or any other type of water meter), please see this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/government-and-electricity-industry-positions/is-the-wel-smart-box-a-way-to-facilitate-smart-water-metering/
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