September 25, 2014: An update on this issue is at this link:


URGENT: The Waikato District Council is having an extraordinary meeting on August 19 during which they will decide (among other things) whether to accept a resolution relating to “smart” water meters.


The wording of the relevant portion of the item on the agenda is “that the Council continue to monitor the progression of smart water metering technology with a view to implement the technol0gy when it becomes cost effective and proven in NZ.”*


Given that there has already been a trial of “smart” water meters in Tauranga (see this link:

and a trial is ongoing in Tairua (see this link:    ) it may not be long before the Council may consider that the technology is proven for NZ – and the Council may consider it cost effective, given that “smart” water meters can potentially be integrated with the so-called “smart boxes” (actually  Landis+Gyr smart meters) being installed by Waikato  lines company WEL Networks Ltd.

(Please see this link for how “smart” water meters may be integrated with “smart boxes”.

The Council will also be discussing whether to pass a resolution regarding the installation of water meters in Ngaruwahia, Huntly and Raglan.

Water meters of any type are controversial because they usually result in an increase in the amount of money home and businesses end up paying to their Council each year.

Charging for water potentially has public health impacts, especially for low income families who may have to cut back on water use and consequently be more vulnerable health problems associated with poorer hygiene such as impetigo, scabies and other communicable conditions that can be spread via towels, clothing and bedding that are not washed sufficiently regularly.


If you would like to do something to help:


* Please email the mayor and Councillors stating your opposition to “smart” water meters

You can find their emails here and I will be posting template letters to make this easy to do later; please check back at this site later.


*  Please alert all your friends and family in the Waikato region to this issue by sharing this post.


Please tell all friends and family in the Waikato region that it is NOT compulsory to have a WEL smart box installed and to refuse its installation.  Without WEL smart box installations to collect the data from “smart” water meters, it may not be economically feasible to install “smart” water meters.  (Please see this link for information on  WEL smart boxes and how they are NOT compulsory:

Also please see this link on potential health impacts of the WEL Networks Ltd “smart box”:

(If this link is not working when you click on it, please copy and paste it into your browser. Thank you.)


*You can read the full text of the agenda of the meeting at the link below.


An update on this issue is at this link: