What happens when a doctor and his local community ask questions about a proposed Cell Phone Tower in their neighbourhood ? The answers will shock you. This is a ‘Must See’ Movie – and here is your opportunity to see it for free.
When? Tuesday 28th October at 7.00pm
Where: St Heliers Centre, 100 St Heliers Bay Rd, St Heliers, Auckland 1071
(If you are not in Auckland, please let friends and family in Auckland know about the screening in a timely manner so they don’t miss out.)
Booking essential: Tel 5756098
There will be free refreshments after the movie.
Paul Waddell from www.safespace.net.nz will be available to answer questions.
If you are interested in the microwave radiation and health issues, please consider joining the email list for www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz to get updates on what is happening with the smart meter issue in NZ. (If you are in Australia, please visit www.stopsmartmeters.com.au.)
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