Just a note to apologise because we have been informed that an email newsletter* that went out yesterday evening to Stop Smart Meters NZ’s list contained an incorrect link for Professor Dariusz Leszczynski’s public lecture in Havelock North on Sunday 24th November 2019.
The correct link for this lecture is below – please share it with friends, family and colleagues who live in the Hakes Bay so that they learn about this important event. Thank you.
In addition to the Hawkes Bay lecture, Professor Dariusz Leszczynski is also giving lectures in Auckland, Wellington and Nelson and details of these talks may be accessed at the links below:
There are lots of events coming up in many other parts of NZ relating to wireless radiation and health issues and information about these is posted at the following link: https://www.5g.org.nz/events/
NB: If you wish to report a smart meter related problem (for example
new symptoms after a smart meter installation or a fire or bullying
behaviour on the part of a smart meter installer or staff in any
electricity company etc. etc,) you may do this through the contact form
at this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/
All correspondence is treated in confidence and information received
is not posted on this website unless permission is given for this to be
*NB: If you missed receiving the newsletter that was sent on 15 November 2019, a few more people on the list will receive a corrected version later today and if you are not already on our email list you can email via this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/ and your details will be added to the newsletter list. Thank you!
The International Holistic Cancer Symposium coming up in Auckland on March 24-25m 2018 includes presentations on many aspects of cancer prevention and treatment.
One of the presentations will be by Katherine Smith whose talk will focus on electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and health with special reference to cancer. Her presentation will also discuss ways to use modern technology more safely to reduce the risks of cancer (and other adverse health effects) associated with some products such as cell phones.
Please share this link so that people who are interested learn about this event. Thank you.
Interested in the smart meter issue or electromagnetic radiation and health issues?
Please note that if you would like to receive email updates on the smart meter issue for NZ, you can sign up to the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz
Stop Smart Meters NZ now has a Facebook page which you are invited to like and follow:
Professor Olle Johansson (who is a neuroscientist and expert on electrohypersensitivity) is talking at a FREE summit on Alzheimer’s and dementia that is coming up soon.
One of the unfortunate truths of our times is that exposure to non-ionising microwave radiation (the type of radiation produced by cell phones, cordless phones and smart meters) can harm the brain and potentially lead to neurodegenerative disease.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if you want to keep your brain in good working order there are lots of things you can do such as avoid the use of mobile and cordless phones and say no to a smart meter.
Plus the FREE online summit also has information about treatments for dementia that you might not otherwise learn about. (Yes, there are treatments for some types of dementia; unfortunately many doctors are not up to date with them.)
You can register for the summit at this link:
NB: Please share this post via email and/or social media to help other people learn how about this event. Thank you.
Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ
Please note that while some electricity company staff claim that smart meters are compulsory or some sort of government requirement it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ.
Please note that it seems to be quite common for smart meters to be installed without prior notification, so if you still have an analogue meter and want to keep it, it would be prudent to take the above steps to prevent a smart meter installation NOW.
Resources to help you refuse a smart meter, including bilingual Te Reo/English options may be found at this LINK of www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz
Everyone who has ever been to Whangarei for more than a day or two knows that the place to be on Saturday morning is the amazing Whangarei Famers market where you can buy great fresh produce and other treats grown and farmed in Northland.
It’s the perfect place for a smart meter education campaign to reach lots of people.
Below you can see photos of the Whangarei activists’ new initiative:
The eye-catching signs (some of which had previously been on display in Betty Hooper’s garden) allowed people to engage with the message in their own time and became a focus of interest and discussion.
The photos of the smart meter education campaign at Whangarei Farmers’ Market were taken on February 27, 2016.
NB: If you would like to keep up to date with the smart meter issue in NZ, please sign up to the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz Thank you
The text of the controversial TPPA has finally been made public. previously leaked text suggests that the TPPA could erode the NZ government’s ability to protect public health, worker’s rights and the environment.
This website has previously included information about how the TPPA may impact on the smart meter situation which you can read at the link below.
if you are not in the Queenstown area, some of Sue Grey’s work on EMR and health may be found on this website by using the search function on www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz
Tuesday 3rd November 2015
7.00pm – 9.30pm
Memorial Hall Queenstown
Admission: $5.00 at the door on the night
CASH ONLY – no eftpos
NB: RSVP details are on the flyer.
NB: The free email list for www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz is a good way to learn about EMR and health related events.
A talk about EMR and health is one of the many health-related talks taking place at the Natural Health Expo at Hamilton Gardens, Hamilton on October 17-18.
Thanks to hard working local volunteers there will be a special community screening of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power on Monday 19 October at the Lindauer Restaurant (50 Vogel St) in Woodville starting a 7 PM.
If you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about this event. Thank you.
NB: If you are not in this area, the documentary may be purchased or streamed from www.takebackyourpower.net
The award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power is going to be screened on the Oamaru based TV station “South 45” (Channel 34 UHF digital).
It will screen on Saturday 26 September at 1 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM
and at 4PM on Sunday 27 September.
If you are not in this area you can view the film by streaming or purchasing it from www.takebackyourpower.net
The smart meter issue was front page of the Waitaki Herald today with the headline “Smart Meter Grumble Grows”.
The story relates how a team of Oamaru residents who have been organising public meetings* in the town ahead of a planned roll out of smart meters by Meridian have called for a moratorium on smart meters.
Perhaps predictably, a spokesperson for an electricity company was qu0ted as saying that there was “no evidence” to support concern about adverse health effects from smart meters.
Lack of time prevents me from rebutting the spokeswoman’s claims fully; however I would suggest anyone who wants information and smart meters and health begin by reading this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/health-issues/
*A further public meeting is planned for August 17, please see this link for details:
A third public meeting on the smart meter issue will be held in Oamaru on August 17 at 1 PM at the Oamaru Club due to the previous meeting being standing room only.
The meeting will include a screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power (www.takebackyourpower.net)
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up to the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz for updates.
A special community screening of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power will be held next Sunday at the Oamaru club.
This screening has been organised by some wonderful local volunteers who would like to thank the Oamaru Club for being such a generous host.
If you have friends or family in Oamaru, please let them know about the screening. Many thanks.
Details are below:
Date: Sunday, August 16
Time: 1 pm
Venue: The Oamaru Club, Oamaru
A gold coin donation is requested as a contribution, please.
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up to the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz in order to get newsletters with a focus on NZ smart meter news.
A public meeting on the smart meter issue is planned for Sunday, August 9 at the Oamaru Club at 1 pm.
If you live in this area, this is a great opportunity to learn about smart meters.
If you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about the meeting so that they can make plans to attend.
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue and would like to receive email updates, please sign up to the newsletter at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz Thank you.
Today’s Otago Daily Times features an article with the headline “Smart meter refusal urged”. The article discusses a public meeting that was held in Oamaru in which the potential adverse health effects of smart meters were discussed. Rob Hutchins from the Electro-sensitivity Trust chaired the meeting.
According to the article, a second public meeting is planned for Sunday, August 9 at the Oamaru Club at 1 pm.
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue and would like to receive email updates, please sign up to the newsletter at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz Thank you.
A special community screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power has been organised by a volunteer in Dunedin.
The details for the screening are as follows:
DATE: Saturday June 20th
TIME: 5pm
VENUE: The Pioneer Hall, 45 George St, Port Chalmers, Dunedin.
The screening is free however, if you would like to bring a donation that can be passed along to the producer of Take Back Your Power this would be appreciated.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions about smart meters after the screening.
Please let friends and family in Dunedin know about the screening (such as by sharing this link on your Facebook page, if you have one) so that they can plan to attend. Thank you.
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz This will allow you to get emails that give updates on the smart meter situation with a focus on NZ smart meter news.
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