Another chance to see Take Back Your Power

If you are in the Southland area and missed the showing of the award- winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power on March 10, there is another screening coming up on March 20 at the South Coast Environment Centre at 7.30 pm.

For more details please see this link:


If you are not in this area you can buy a DVD or stream the movie from this link


Other 2014 public showings of Take Back Your Power in NZ will be listed at this link as soon as details are confirmed:



2014 screenings of Take Back Your Power

Free (or koha) screenings of the new documentary Take Back Your Power, the award-winning documentary on the “smart meter” issue are being organised around NZ.

Please check back at this post as it will be updated from time to time.

If you would like to organise a screening in your area, please email through this link for information and support.


2014 Screenings of Take Back Your Power (screenings are listed in chronological order)


March 20:  Take Back Your Power, Southland

The next screenings of Take Back Your Power will be in Riverton, Southland on March 10 and March 20. Full details are at this link:


April 6:  Take Back Your Power, Wellington

Wellington’s first screening of Take Back Your Power will take place on Sunday April 6 at Breaker Bay.  Full details are at this link:


April 7 and April 14:  Take Back Your Power, Takaka

Takaka’s very own Village Theatre is holding two special screenings of Take Back Your Power on the evening of May 7 and May 14.  Full details are at this link:


  May 7:  Take Back Your Power, Tauranga

Thank you to the EnviroHub for organising a public showing of Take Back Your Power in Tauranga on the evening of May 7.  Full details are at this link:


May 19:  Take Back Your Power, Takaka

Due to popular demand, there will be a third screening of Take Back Your Power in Takaka on May 9 at 7.30.  Details are at this link:


Take Back Your Power, Riverton!

There will be community screenings of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power at the South Coast Environment Centre at 154 Palmerston St, Riverton on March 10 and March 20.  The screenings will begin at 7.30 pm.

If you live in this area, PowerNet will begin installing “smart meters” in your neighbourhood soon, so please take this opportunity to learn about “smart meters” and the “smart grid” so you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want a “smart meter” in your home or business.

(If you are not in this area you can stream the film or purchase a DVD from )



“Stopping ‘smart meters'” talk at Voices of Sacred Earth Festival on February 22

This year’s Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival will take place on February 21-23

Katherine Smith will give a talk  on the “smart meter” issue at the festival on Saturday, February 22 from 12.30-12.45.

The Voices of Sacred Earth Eco-Festival takes place in Albany, Auckland and begins with a concert on Friday night and the next two days feature a large range of healing and environmentally-friendly activities, including a stream clean-up, talks and workshops.  Early bird tickets are still available:

For details please see:

December 3: Take Back Your Power, Hawkes Bay!

The first Hawkes Bay screening of the highly recommended  new documentary on “smart meters”  Take Back Your Power is taking place on Tuesday, December 3.


Details are as follows:

7.30pm Tuesday 3rd December

Clive Hall, 162 Main Road Clive

(Hawke’s Bay)

A gold coin donation/koha is requested to help cover the cost of the hire of the hall.


If you are not in the Hawkes Bay, please check out this link for local screenings that are happening near you:

OR see the trailer at this link  

OR stream/buy the DVD from this link:


If you would like to arrange a screening in your area please email through the Contact form at this link and you will be sent information to help you do this.


December 5: Take Back Your Power, West Auckland

The first West Auckland screening of the highly recommended  new documentary on “smart meters”  Take Back Your Power is taking place on Thursday, December 5.


Details are as follows:

The Peasant Film Club (which regularly runs documentaries on interesting topics) will be hosting a West Auckland showing of the outstanding new documentary on “smart meters” Take Back our Power on Thursday, December 5.

The screening will take place at the premises of WEA Waitakere, 9 Henderson Valley  Rd, Henderson, West Auckland, starting at 7.30 PM.

Details and a map of the venue location may be found at this link:

The venue seats 30 people, so if numbers are too high to accommodate everyone, there will be a repeat screening on Friday December 6.


If you are not in West Auckland, please check out this link for local screenings that are happening near you:

OR see the trailer at this link  

OR stream/buy the DVD from this link:


If you would like to arrange a screening in your area please email through the Contact form at this link and you will be sent information to help you do this.

Another chance to see Dr Don Maisch

Visiting electromagnetic radiation expert Dr Don Maisch, PhD gave a free public lecture on “smart meters”, including health risks in Remuera on Tuesday 26th November. The informative lecture and power point presentation included question time in which members of the public shared their experiences with smart meters, including reporting symptoms developed after  exposure to “smart meter” radiation as well as being able to ask Dr Maisch questions.

Dr Maisch will be speaking on Auckland’ North Shore on Thursday November 28th.  Details are at this link:



The next “smart meter” related event after Dr Maisch’s talks will be the free Auckland screening of the new documentary Take Back Your Power on November 30. Please see this link for details:


To learn about up coming events, please join the email list for and you will be emailed information.


Dr Don Maisch North Shore talk November 28

Dr Don Maisch, PhD from is giving a lecture on smart meters on Auckland’s North Shore on Thursday November 28.

Details for the talk are as follows:


Date:  Thursday November 28.

Time: 7 – 8.30 pm

Venue: Outram Hall, 478 Beach Rd, Murrays Bay, Auckland


A poster for this event may now be downlaoded from this link:

If you can, please print it out and put it up locally to advertise the talk.


For details of Dr Maisch’s other public talks, please see this link:

Hawkes Bay screening of Take Back Your Power

The Hawkes Bay’s first screening of Take Back Your Power (the new documentary on “smart meters” and their effects on people’s health, privacy and finances) will take place on December 3.  Details for the showing are as follows:


7.30pm Tuesday 3rd December

Clive Hall, 162 Main Road Clive

(Hawke’s Bay)

A gold coin donation/koha is requested to help cover the cost of the hire of the hall.

The poster for this event is at this link:

It may also be accessed through the  Resources page at this link:

Dr Don Maisch Christchurch public talk time correction

Dr Don Masich’s public talk in Christchurch starts at 7.30 (not 7pm as has been previously stated on a previous post, which has now been corrected.)  Apologies for any inconvenience.


The correct details for the talk are:


Christchurch Talk

Dr Maisch will be giving a public lecture in Christchurch on Thursday November 21 at St. Mark’s Church in the ‘Wilsons Room’ (entrance at back of church)
101 Opawa Rd, Opawa, starting at 7.30 pm.  The topic for his talk is “The  Smart Electricity Grid:  Claims,  Pitfalls, and Unintended Consequences”.

A gold coin Koha is requested.


Events Overview

There are  few events coming up soon which are either relate to “smart meters” or other wireless technologies:

For 2014 showings of the award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power, please see this link:


The vents below took palce in 2013

Links to the posts that describe each event are below:

November 15 (Wanganui):

Dr Don Maisch public talks on “smart meters”

These will take place in Christchurch on November 21 and in Auckland on November 26 and the Auckland’s North Shore on November 28


For details of free public screenings of  documentary Take Back Your Power

Auckland November 30,

Christchurch December 2,

Hawkes Bay December 3 and

West Auckland November 5 please see:



EMR Expert to Visit NZ

Don Maisch, PhD will be visiting New Zealand in November, where he will be giving talks and also conducting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) risk assessments.  Dr Maisch’s PhD thesis The Procrustean Approach examines the influence of vested interests on EMR safety standards.

Christchurch Talk

Dr Maisch will be giving a public lecture in Christchurch on Thursday November 21 at St. Mark’s Church in the ‘Wilsons Room’ (entrance at back of church)
101 Opawa Rd, Opawa, starting at 7.30 pm.  The topic for his talk is “The  Smart Electricity Grid:  Claims,  Pitfalls, and Unintended Consequences”.

A gold coin Koha is requested.

Auckland Talk

Dr Maisch will be giving a public lecture in Auckland on Tuesday November 26 at the St Lukes Church,  130 Remuera Rd, Remuera, starting at 7.15 pm.  The topic for his talk is “The  Smart Electricity Grid:  Claims,  Pitfalls, and Unintended Consequences”.

The event is free.  (Koha are welcome.)

North Shore Talk

Dr Don Maisch will also be speaking on the North Shore on Thursday November 28.  Please see this link for details:


Events are also planned for Palmerston North and Wellington;  please check back for details as these will be posted when they are available.

More information about Dr Maisch and his work may be found  at his website

West Auckland screening of Take Back Your Power

The Peasant Film Club (which regularly runs documentaries on interesting topics) will be hosting a West Auckland showing of the outstanding new documentary on “smart meters” Take Back our Power on Thursday, December 5.

The screening will take place at the premises of WEA Waitakere, 9 Henderson Valley  Rd, Henderson, West Auckland.

Details and a map of the venue location may be found at this link:

The venue seats 30 people, so if numbers are too high to acommodate everyone, there will be a repeat screening on Friday December 6.


(For more information about the documentary or for details of other screenings, plesae see this link )


Take Back Your Power: Free public screenings

Free screenings of the new documentary Take Back Your Power on the smart meter issue are being organised around NZ.


For details of the Hamilton screening on October 29, see this link:

For details of the Auckland screening on November 30, please see this link:

For details of the Christchurch screening on December 2, please see this link:

For details of the West Auckland screening on December 5, please see this link:


For details of the Hawkes Bay screeing on December 3, please see this link

Screenings planned for other towns and cities will be publicised on this site as soon as soon as details are known. These screenings are being organised by volunteers.

NB:  If you would like to organise a screening in your community centre, church, school or  tertiary institution or other venue, you can buy a copy of the DVD from the producer at this link  (it will take 3-4 weeks for the DVD to arrive in NZ).  Instructions for people who want to host screenings may be found here:

When you have the details of your public screening organised, please email through the Contact form at this link  so a  notice can be posted on this website and a poster can be created to advertise your event.  Thank you.