by Katherine | 29 Nov, 2013 | Latest News, Take Back Your Power
Just a reminder that Saturday, November 30 is the date for the first free public screening in Auckland of the highly recommended documentary Take Back Your Power.
For details, please click on the link below:
Details for screenings in other venues are at this link:
by Katherine | 16 Nov, 2013 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
The Hawkes Bay’s first screening of Take Back Your Power (the new documentary on “smart meters” and their effects on people’s health, privacy and finances) will take place on December 3. Details for the showing are as follows:
7.30pm Tuesday 3rd December
Clive Hall, 162 Main Road Clive
(Hawke’s Bay)
A gold coin donation/koha is requested to help cover the cost of the hire of the hall.
The poster for this event is at this link:
It may also be accessed through the Resources page at this link:
by Katherine | 14 Nov, 2013 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized
There are few events coming up soon which are either relate to “smart meters” or other wireless technologies:
For 2014 showings of the award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power, please see this link:
The vents below took palce in 2013
Links to the posts that describe each event are below:
November 15 (Wanganui):
Dr Don Maisch public talks on “smart meters”
These will take place in Christchurch on November 21 and in Auckland on November 26 and the Auckland’s North Shore on November 28
For details of free public screenings of documentary Take Back Your Power
Auckland November 30,
Christchurch December 2,
Hawkes Bay December 3 and
West Auckland November 5 please see:
by Katherine | 4 Nov, 2013 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized
The Peasant Film Club (which regularly runs documentaries on interesting topics) will be hosting a West Auckland showing of the outstanding new documentary on “smart meters” Take Back our Power on Thursday, December 5.
The screening will take place at the premises of WEA Waitakere, 9 Henderson Valley Rd, Henderson, West Auckland.
Details and a map of the venue location may be found at this link:
The venue seats 30 people, so if numbers are too high to acommodate everyone, there will be a repeat screening on Friday December 6.
(For more information about the documentary or for details of other screenings, plesae see this link )
by Katherine | 30 Oct, 2013 | Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized
Free screenings of the new documentary Take Back Your Power on the smart meter issue are being organised around NZ.
Please check back at this post as it will be updated from time to time.
If you would like to organise a screening in your area, please email through this link for information and support.
2014 Screenings of Take Back Your Power
For details of 2014 showings of Take Back Your Power, please visit this link:
For details of the screenings that have already taken place, you can see the links below:
The first screening of Take Back Your Power was held on October 29, 2013 in Hamilton, thanks to people at Wake Up Waikato taking the initiative to do this.
Auckland screening on November 30, 2013 please see this link:
For details of the West Auckland screening on December 5, 2013 please see this link:
For details of the Christchurch screening on December 2, 2013 please see this link:
For details of the Hawkes Bay screening on December 3, 2013 please see this link:
Screenings planned for other towns and cities will be publicised on this site as soon as soon as details are known. These screenings are being organised by volunteers.
NB: If you would like to organise a screening in your community centre, church, school or tertiary institution or other venue, you can buy a copy of the DVD from the producer at this link (it will take 3-4 weeks for the DVD to arrive in NZ). Instructions from the film producers for people who want to host screenings may be found here:
(Please note that while the producer would like people hosting free (or donation) screenings to buy 30 DVDs (they give special price for bulk purchases) they realise that this is not financially feasible for everyone and will waive this request if you cannot afford it.) Further information about running a free screening in NZ may be obtained by emailing through this link: )
When you have the details of your public screening organised, please email through the Contact form at this link so that a notice can be posted on this website. Thank you.
by Katherine | 24 Oct, 2013 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized
Free screenings of the new documentary Take Back Your Power on the smart meter issue are being organised around NZ.
For details of the Hamilton screening on October 29, see this link:
For details of the Auckland screening on November 30, please see this link:
For details of the Christchurch screening on December 2, please see this link:
For details of the West Auckland screening on December 5, please see this link:
For details of the Hawkes Bay screeing on December 3, please see this link
Screenings planned for other towns and cities will be publicised on this site as soon as soon as details are known. These screenings are being organised by volunteers.
NB: If you would like to organise a screening in your community centre, church, school or tertiary institution or other venue, you can buy a copy of the DVD from the producer at this link (it will take 3-4 weeks for the DVD to arrive in NZ). Instructions for people who want to host screenings may be found here:
When you have the details of your public screening organised, please email through the Contact form at this link so a notice can be posted on this website and a poster can be created to advertise your event. Thank you.
by Katherine | 29 Sep, 2013 | Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized
Diary date:
The DVD of the new documentary Take Back Your Power will be screening on Monday, 2nd December, 2013 – free of charge.
The venue:
‘ The Portal’ (Project Lytellton Office – For other great things going on at Project Lyttleton, please see
54a Oxford Street (up path behind swimming pool)
Lyttleton, Christchurch
Start time: 7.15 pm.
(For other great things going on at Project Lyttleton, please see
The trailer for the movie may be viewed at The website for the documentary is
NB: You can buy the DVD or stream it (for a small fee) on your computer by visiting this link:
NOTE TO READERS: If you have purchased a DVD and want to organise a free screening in your area, please email through the Contact form of this site ( if you would like the details to be post on the website. Many thanks.
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