This is not a smart meter related documentary; it’s about health. Specifically it focuses on how corporations (including “Big Pharma” and “Big Agriculture”) influence government policies on healthcare and also food, thereby restricting consumer choice and in some cases substantially infringing on human rights.
If you are familiar with the issues surrounding smart meter roll outs, if you view Bought you may see some parallels between how governments in countries that are installing smart meters are putting the desires of the electricity industry ahead of public health.
For example, electricity companies see smart meters as a good way to reduce labour costs because there is less need to employ meter readers, for example. In NZ, as in many other countries, the government allows the installation of smart meters even though some smart meters on the NZ market expose people in the the nearby vicinity to intense pulses of radiofrequency radiation (RFR). This is because the RFR that smart meters produce falls below the standards that govern EMR emissions in NZ. (NZS2772.2:1999 is the standard that covers smart meters and other sources of RFR and this is designed to prevent only heating, shock and sudden death, not other potential effects.) Power companies tend to publicly discount the adverse health effects some people experience after smart meter installations (even though there is now peer reviewed research on this subject: see: ) although people in the electricity industry may acknowledge health effects from smart meters in private emails. (See:
Bought shows how on how the pharmaceutical industry has a lot of nasty skeletons in its closet, including fraudulent research and how a revolving door between government and the Big Pharma facilitates dysfunction – if not frank corruption. It also describes how GE food is undermining people’s health.
Bought is a documentary that will challenge your ideas if you always thought that everything was just hunky dory with every aspect of modern medicine but it is a documentary that asks important questions – and the parallels with other important issues (such as smart meters, for example) will not be missed by thoughtful viewers.
It’s available free at this link for a short time:
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