Legislation currently being considered by the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee could mean that many New Zealanders lose access to the copper landline phone system that allows a reliable corded home phone that will work during a power outage as well as a safe, low cost wired internet connection.

(Please click HERE for background information.)

Submissions officially closed on this relevant bill on February 2.

However, from speaking to the Clerk for the select committee, I have learned that Grey Power members have an extension of time to make submissions until March 30.  (This being said, as the committee has had a preliminary meeting on the  telecommunications bill on February 15, so the sooner it receives submissions, the better.)

Grey Power is an organisation that represents New Zealanders aged 50 years and older.  You can learn about Grey Power by clicking HERE it and find out how to become a member if you are eligible by clicking HERE.


If you would like to make a submission, please see the link below for information on how to do this.


The key message to deliver to the committee is that you oppose any regulation that could end access to the copper phone infrastructure and that you support a 30 year moratorium on removal of copper infrastructure.


Save NZ’s landline phones – action needed NOW


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