The website is reporting how the family of a 74 year old South Dallas man blame the smart meter which had been recently installed at his home for the fire that led to his death. Mr James Humphrey, who had arthritis, was unable to escape from his home when it caught fire and the smoke and flames beat back neighbours who tried to rescue him.
You can read the full story (as well as some very interesting comments) at this link:
The statistics kept by the NZ Fire Service do not allow smart meter related fires to be differentiated from fires that are caused by other types of meters or meter board faults. See this link for details:
If you are aware of a smart meter related fire in NZ, please report it to Stop Smart Meters NZ through this link:
Any reports will be treated in confidence. Thank you.
NB: To stay up-to-date with the smart meter situation in NZ, please join the free email list at
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