A local newspaper in the Kaipara District of Northland has reported that a smart meter caught fire at a school in Tinopai.

It appears from the report that the fire fortunately did not cause damage beyond the meter board. The school was up and running the next day. The full story and a a good photo of the volunteer fire fighters who attended the fire as well as the melted smart meter at the link below:


Stop Smart Meters NZ has also recently received a report of a house fire in NZ caused by a smart meter. In this case, the house was rendered uninhabitable.

If you have had a home or business affected by a smart meter fire or unexplained electrical fire, you can report this to Stop Smart Meters NZ through the Contact Form. (Information is kept in confidence and not published on the website unless permission is given to do this.)

More information about smart meters and fires in NZ may be found at this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/are-smart-meters-causing-fires-in-new-zealand/

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