A public screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power will take place in Tauranga on  May 7th.

The venue is the Wesley Centre, 100 Thirteenth Ave, Tauranga and the start time is 7.15 pm.

Please bring $8 (or more) so that the people who are volunteering their time to organise this screening are not left out-of-pocket for hall hire and the other expenses involved in running the event.  Thank you!

Thank you to EnviroHub (Bay of Plenty) and  Tauranga Monthly Film Nights for organising this public showing.  To learn about the other events offered through the EnviroHub,  please visit http://www.envirohub.org.nz/

Please check back at this page soon for a link for a poster that you can download and print to advertise the screening.

If you are not in Tauranga please see this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/ for details of other showings in NZ , or you can buy DVD or stream the documentary by visiting www.takebackyourpower.net