Take Back Your Power has been named winner of the AwareGuide (http://awareguide.com/) Transformational Film of the Year!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for the film.

A message from Director Dosh Del Sol is below:


Dear Friends,

YOU made this happen! 

Because of your outpouring of support, we’ve won our first major award.

This is a win for the movement, people’s rights and the health of our world.

With deep gratitude,

Josh del Sol

PS. See the full press release here (or read it below):


‘Take Back Your Power’ Wins Transformational Film of the Year Award

SEATTLE, Washington (February 5, 2014) — The hard-hitting documentary Take Back Your Power has been named winner of the AwareGuide Transformational Film of the Year.  The crowd-funded film exposes in-home surveillance issues, customer billing corruption, potential health risks and other problems associated with utilites’ plans for upgrading to a centralized “smart” energy grid.  It finished atop the list of 33 worldwide finalists along with ‘The Ghosts In Our Machine’, co-winner of the award.

“This is a victory for a growing majority who want to restore sanity to the roles played by technology and government,” said Josh del Sol, producer and director of Take Back Your Power.  “The issues unveiled in our film leave viewers rocked and inspired to see solutions.  Winning this award means people are ready for a positive transformation. ”

“A Transformational film,” according to AwareGuide founder and CEO Gary Tomchuk, “seeks to inspire the movement of society towards ideals, values and practices that create a better world for everyone. They focus on solutions for subjects such as consciousness, environment, health, and social issues.”

Take Back Your Power features interview footage from whistleblower Edward Snowden, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former British Columbia premier Bill Vander Zalm, public health investigator Blake Levitt, rights advocate lawyer James Turner, and other experts, doctors and environmentalists.

“The NSA spying progams are half of the story – we’re exposing the other half, and what we can do about it,” stated del Sol.  “We have an amazing community of grassroots support worldwide, and have held more than 90 community screenings.  Our aim is to work with grassroots campaigners in every city, and to have every public official see Take Back Your Power.”

Take Back Your Power is available to stream online and on DVD at www.takebackyourpower.net, where viewers can also request a community screening.

(Site editor’s note:  Free/koha screenings of Take Back Your Power are being organised in NZ.  Please sign up for updates on www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz and you will be sent an email to let you know about screenings that are coming up.

If you would like to organise a screening of Take Back Your Power in your own community, please email through this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/ and you will be sent information and be given support to do this.)