An entertaining video about smart meters

An entertaining video about smart meters

The people who have produced the video below deserve a round of applause for making the subject of smart meters (which admittedly can be quite dry unless you are a technie) actually entertaining!

Even if you think you already know all about smart meters, this is a video worth watching.



Please note that the video “Smart Attack” was produced in North America where  different varieties of smart meters are being used.  In-use testing of smart meters in New Zealand shows that there are varied emission profiles ranging from as often as a pulse of microwave radiation every eight seconds to as infrequently as every eight hours.  (You can click HERE to learn more about how much radiation is produced by the different types of smart meter on the market in NZ.)

However, given that if you accept a smart meter, you have no control over how often it will transmit, the easiest way to protect yourself from the potential risks to your health, privacy and finances explained in the video is to say NO to a smart meter.

Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ.  (Sometimes staff working for electricity retailers will claim that smart meters are a “government requirement” or that existing meters must be replaced with smart meters by a certain date; this is NOT TRUE. (Please see this link for details:

There are a variety of alternatives to smart meters on the market in NZ.  They range from electronic meters that are not smart meters, to traditional Ferraris meters. A Ferraris meter is the traditional electromechanical meter that contains no electronics. (Some of the non smart meters available in NZ may be seen at the website of Legacy Metering Group which you may visit by clicking HERE.)


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Whangarei smart meter emissions reach 418,000 microwatts per square metre

In the video below you can see footage that local journalist Clare Swinney took while visiting her friend Maxine who had had two smart meters installed at her home by her electricity retailer.

The meters are both EDMI Atlas Mk7A smart meters. These are a common type of smart meter in NZ.

As you can see, on one visit to Maxine’s house the smart meter (or smart meters, if they were transmitting simultaneously) was measured as producing a pulse of RF radiation* of 240,000 microwatts per square meter (240mW/m2).

On a second occasion the reading was 418,000 microwatts per square metre (418 mW/m2) .


This is a concern because the independent scientists who collaborated to produce the BioInitiative report recommends a maximum exposure limit of 1000 microwatts per square metre.

Maxine was not informed by her electricity company that the meter would produce microwave radiation.

As bad as the emissions were at Maxine’s house, they are nowhere near the maximum possible for EDMI smart meters that have a Sierra Wireless EWM GRPS 100 modem can produce, as is detailed at this link:


NB: If you do not want to expose yourself to the potential risks of smart meters, which include health and fire risks, as well as higher bills, you may like to read this link to find out about how other New Zealanders are successfully preventing smart meters from being installed at their homes and businesses.

To stay up to date with the smart meter issue in NZ, please sign up to the free email list at



NB:  Clare Swinney developed eye pain following the filming of this high pulse of microwave radiation, as is detailed at this linkIf you want to film a smart meter, please do not risk the health of your eyes by standing close to the meter while filming it.  Please use a tripod.   


*Also known as microwave radiation


NB: The test meter used was a Cornet ED 78S model EMR test meter. While this is not a professional level meter, it is reasonably accurate.

How much microwave radiation do smart meters in NZ produce?

There are a variety of different types of smart meters on the NZ market.  These include EDMI Atlas Mk7A, Mk7C and Mk7D meters, Elster gREX meters and Landis+Gyr E350 series smart meters, to name a few of the more common types.

The meters all have to comply with NZS2772.1:1999.  However this standard is designed to protect only against shocks, thermal injury and sudden death not the type of symptoms  (such as headaches, heart function abnormalties etc that have been reported by many people following exposure to radiation from smart meters. (See:

The following links discuss the level of microwave radiation produced by different types of smart meters on the NZ market. 

In practice, exposure from the same type of meter could vary depending on the type of environment in which a meter is located.  (For example, a meter inside am open plan home could expose the occupants to more microwave radiation than the same type of  meter mounted on an exterior corrugated iron wall as the metal will reflect radiation away from the home.)

Another type of meter (it looks from the photo to be an Elster gREX smart meter) was measured as producing 1,360,000 microwatts per square metre.



NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up to the free newsletter at