Peer-reviewed journal publishes article on smart meter health effects

An article by an Australian physician on adverse effects suffered by people who have had smart meters installed has now been published in a peer reviewed journal.  You can read about the article at this link:

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NB: Not everyone suffers from health effects following a smart meter installation as people’s sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation varies.  However the EMR produced by smart meters has been classified as a possible carcinogen by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer so many people decide to prevent a smart meter installation for this reason.  (See if you don’t want a smart meter.)

Investigate magazine tackles smart meter issue

One of the cover stories for the the August-September issue of Investigate magazine is “Smart Meters: What do you really know about the new electricity meters”.  The article includes a discussion of what may be the world’s first case of a “smart” meter-linked cancer as well as a discussion of other health problems associated with exposure to the radiofrequency radiation from smart meters and privacy and financial issues with these new meters.

This issue of Investigate features many other stories that health conscious readers will appreciate including one of how LEDs used in electronics and now, increasingly in lighting, may cause eye damage and new research on how the “dinosaur tree” Gingko biloba offers hope for stroke sufferers.

Investigate magazine is available through bookstores, supermakets and other magazine outlets.

Investigate magazine’s website is