Whangarei smart meter emissions reach 418,000 microwatts per square metre

In the video below you can see footage that local journalist Clare Swinney took while visiting her friend Maxine who had had two smart meters installed at her home by her electricity retailer.

The meters are both EDMI Atlas Mk7A smart meters. These are a common type of smart meter in NZ.

As you can see, on one visit to Maxine’s house the smart meter (or smart meters, if they were transmitting simultaneously) was measured as producing a pulse of RF radiation* of 240,000 microwatts per square meter (240mW/m2).

On a second occasion the reading was 418,000 microwatts per square metre (418 mW/m2) .


This is a concern because the independent scientists who collaborated to produce the BioInitiative report recommends a maximum exposure limit of 1000 microwatts per square metre.

Maxine was not informed by her electricity company that the meter would produce microwave radiation.

As bad as the emissions were at Maxine’s house, they are nowhere near the maximum possible for EDMI smart meters that have a Sierra Wireless EWM GRPS 100 modem can produce, as is detailed at this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/does-the-modem-for-this-smart-meter-produce-more-radiation-than-is-legal-in-nz/


NB: If you do not want to expose yourself to the potential risks of smart meters, which include health and fire risks, as well as higher bills, you may like to read this link to find out about how other New Zealanders are successfully preventing smart meters from being installed at their homes and businesses.

To stay up to date with the smart meter issue in NZ, please sign up to the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz



NB:  Clare Swinney developed eye pain following the filming of this high pulse of microwave radiation, as is detailed at this linkIf you want to film a smart meter, please do not risk the health of your eyes by standing close to the meter while filming it.  Please use a tripod.   


*Also known as microwave radiation


NB: The test meter used was a Cornet ED 78S model EMR test meter. While this is not a professional level meter, it is reasonably accurate.

Maori TV news “Te Kaea” covers the smart meter story

On Sunday, December 27, the Maori TV news programme “Te Kaea” broadcast a story about smart meters.

The story focuses on the experiences of Whangarei women Marama Waddell (who has become ill and experienced sleeping difficulties following the installation of a smart meter at her home) and Mrs Nellie Rata.  Mrs Rata – whose late husband Matiu Rata was the much loved MP – has had her power bill increase significantly after  a smart meter was installed at her home.

Local journalist Clare Swinney (who measured the EMR from a smart meter in Whangarei earlier in December) was interviewed for the news item.

You can view the story (which is mostly in Maori with English subtitles) may be viewed at this link:



Smart meters are NOT compulsory in NZ

Please note that while staff from some electricity companies have been telling their customers that smart meters are compulsory or are some sort of government requirement, this is NOT true.  (There is more information about this issue at this link )  If you do not want a smart meter because you are concerned about the higher bills that could follow a smart meter installation, or Time of Use pricing, many people in NZ are successfully refusing to have a smart meter installed using the techniques described at this link


If you would like to keep up to date with information about electromagnetic radiation and health, including the “smart” meter issue in NZ, please sign up to the free email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz. Thank you