This message was recently sent through the Contact form:
Recently received my “Good News” letter from Genesis saying they were upgrading the meters in our area. Phoned Genesis to say I did not consent to my meter being upgraded and was told that it was the Law and my options were to change retailer or upgrade. Following their advice I changed my retailer to Nova and then called Genesis to tell them of my switch. I was then told I could in fact now remain on my standard meter and the information I had been given was wrong. “Oh, what a shame!” I said, “Had I been told this last week I would have remained with Genesis, but I am receiving a better rate on my controlled and anytime meters and the discount was greater with my new supplier.”
So the message to all is be persistent, shop around, let your concerns be known.
– Name supplied
Editor’s comment: It is commonly being reported to me that electricity companies are telling customers that it is compulsory to have a “smart meter” but the Electricity Authority has not made “smart meters” mandatory. See:
(Note from website coordinator: All correspondence received through the Contact form on this site is treated in confidence. Comments are posted on this site only with the permission of their author. The site coordinator does not have any financial interest in any electricity company.)
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