Stop Smart Meters NZ is pleased to report that for people in NZ who are concerned about the potential health effects from the EMR produced by smart meters, various options exist to stop the smart meter producing pulses of radiofrequency (microwave) radiation.  These include removal or disconnection of the smart meter’s modem (also known as a comms package or chip) OR removal of the entire smart meter and its replacement with a non smart meter.

The link that discusses the pros and cons of these option is below:

Not all electricity retailers will facilitate modem removal/disconnection or smart meter removal but thanks to every person in NZ who has refused to accept being blasted by pulses of radiation from a smart meter, there is now a choice of retailers that welcome customers who don’t want smart meters.

Important links on

The most important update on the smart meter issue that was posted on the site in 2018 relates to smart meters and fires in NZ and you can read it here:

A link via which you can access an entertaining video about smart meter (ideal for sharing) is below:

A link that lists many of the reasons that many NZers refuse smart meters is below:

If you value your privacy (or have friends that do) this link is an interesting (although potentially infuriating) read…

At the link below you can access a presentation by Don Maisch, PhD, who toured NZ and gave public talks in 2014.

Dr. Maisch’s lecture is important for many reasons but not least because it puts smart meters into the context of the “Internet of Things” (or IoT) which the telecommunications companies are now touting as the latest greatest innovation (along with 5G).  You can read an introduction to the  “Internet of Things”  at the link below:

New blog covers wireless and health issues, among other topics

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NB: If you wish to report a smart meter related problem (for example new symptoms after a smart meter installation or a fire or bullying behaviour on the part of a smart meter installer or staff in any electricity company etc. etc,) you may do this through the contact form at this link:

All correspondence is treated in confidence and information received is not posted on this website unless permission is given for this to be done.