A new website has been launched dedicated to the help save NZ’s copper landline phone network.  This reliable and safe phone network is threatened by legislation the “Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill”.

The select committee in charge of the bill the Economic Development, Science and Innovation (EDSI) committee is due to report to Parliament about the bill on May 4.

This link (please click on the image below) of the new website explains the advantages of maintaining the copper landline phone network.

Welcome to Save Our Landlines NZ

This link features a press release based on an analysis of submissions posted on the Parliamentary website that show that individuals who made submissions on the bill are overwhelmingly in favour or retaining the copper landline network.


Kiwis Alarmed at Govt. Proposal to Destroy Landline Infrastructure


Save Our Landlines NZ also has a Facebook page that you can like and follow to get news about this important campaign.




NB: Thank you for visiting this website! If you are interested in the smart meter issue or other issues relating to electromagnetic radiation and health, such as the landline phone issue,  please sign up for the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz.

This link also includes a search facility to allow you to search the website for topics of interest.

Stop Smart Meters NZ also has a Facebook page which is https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Smart-Meters-NZ-1211462805538548/