by Katherine | 2 Jun, 2015 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power
The Peasant Film Club is running a special (free or koha) community screening ( of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power in West Auckland on June 11.
The address is the WEST offices, 9 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson. Click map for more details. Limited off-street parking, front and back.
The film starts at 7.30 PM.
More details about the Peasant Film Club may be found here:
Please let friends and family know about this screening.
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for the email list at This will allow you to get emails that give updates on the smart meter situation with a focus on NZ smart meter news.
by Katherine | 18 Apr, 2015 | Events, Latest News, Science
The cell phone documentary Mobilize tells you the truth about cell phones and health. You won’t get this information from the telecommunications industry but what you learn through watching this film could save your life – or the life of a family member or friend.
Mobilize will screen in Auckland on Tuesday, May 26 at 7.o0 PM at the St Heliers Community Centre, 100 St Heliers Rd, St Heliers, Auckland.
Seating is limited; please phone 575 6098 to book your seat. Refreshments will be served after the film. The screening is free.
About the event organiser and how to find out about future events:
This movie evening is being organised by Paul Waddell from It is well worth joining his email list for information about EMR as well as events that are coming up.
NB: If you are interested in EMR and health, please sign up to the free newsletter at
by Katherine | 16 Apr, 2015 | 2014 Election Questionnaire, Events, Take Back Your Power
Please note that the date below (May 2) is the correct date for the screening. (The date that was advertised in mass email outs that were sent on April 15-16 was unfortunately incorrect; apologies for this.)
Thanks to hard working volunteers, a special community screening of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power is coming up in Northland.
Details are below:
May 2, 2015
The screening begins at 4.30pm – (Doors open around 4.00 PM)
Venue: Doubtless Bay Christian Centre,
7 Mill Bay Road, Mangonui.
(The organisers would appreciate a donation of $5 or whatever you can afford to cover their costs. Thank you.)
If you have any questions about this event please send an email through the Contact Form. Thank you
Please share this link with friends and family in the area so that they can plan to attend. Thank you.
by Katherine | 22 Mar, 2015 | Events, Latest News, Science
Eco-West Festival 2015
EcoWest is a month-long festival of diverse events from 14 March – 12 April 2015, showcasing the people and projects caring for the West Auckland environment and connecting you with a myriad of opportunities to discover, make, regenerate and learn.
This year’s festival programme features over 40 events hosted by innovative environmental organisations, businesses, sustainability experts and creative entrepreneurs who embrace eco ideas through their work.
As part of the Eco-West Festival Paul Waddell from will be giving a presentation on Wednesday 25th March from 6.30 to 8.30. This will be a practical demonstration of testing for electromagnetic radiation and a discussion on how to be safer in our modern techno world. Cost is $10. Please click here to make a booking.
NB: To sign up for emails on the smart meter situiation in NZ please visit
by Katherine | 5 Mar, 2015 | Events, Uncategorized
The smart meter situation at present in NZ is not good.
Companies in the electricity industry are putting in smart meters as fast as they can. Not surprisingly, considering the fact that the pulses of RFR that smart meters produce can be intense, some people develop new symptoms after these devices have been installed at their own home or a nearby neighbour’s home and there is now peer reviewed research on adverse health effects associated with smart meters.
In NZ, electricity companies are often reluctant to remove smart meters even when people report health issues after installations.
I have also had reports of people who do not want smart meters being bullied by their electricity retailer to try to get them to accept a smart meter. (For an example of some bullying behaviour, please see this link:
There is no law or regulation that states that people in NZ have to accept a smart meter which gives some protection to consumers. However, it is legal to install smart meters (despite the health and privacy risks) and increasingly, NZ electricity retailers are using their supply contracts with consumers to try to enforce smart meter installations upon reluctant customers.
This contrasts with the situation in many parts of the USA where municipalities have acted to protect public health by banning the installation of smart meters in their local areas.
Such enlightened legislation/by-laws has yet to be passed in NZ (and has not even been drafted); however if the NZ government or local authorities were to take this step, the gains to public health could potentially be negated if the NZ government signs the so-called “Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement” (TPPA). (The TPPA is also known as the TPP.)
Unfortunately the NZ government has indicated that it plans to sign this agreement. The text of the TPPA is still secret. However, from the small amounts of information that have been leaked into the public domain, it is clear that the agreement would favour the interests of large corporations and is potentially a disaster for any country that signs it. The reason for this is that the agreement apparently would allow corporations to sue governments should a government pass a piece of legislation that could be deemed to impact adversely on corporate profits.
The TPPA is opposed in NZ by a diverse range of individuals and groups, including the Public Health Association, environmental groups and unions who are concerned about how the TPPA could adversely affect ordinary New Zealanders by putting the profits of big corporations ahead of the needs of people who live in New Zealand.
Nationwide protests against the TPPA have been organised for March 7, 2015.
You can find out more about this issue (including how to join local protests) at and here
by Katherine | 18 Feb, 2015 | Events, Latest News, Science, Uncategorized
An Environmental Sensitivities Symposium is coming up in 2015. The Symposium is designed to help people with a variety of illnesses, including those who have electromagnetic sensitivity (also known as electrosensitivity or electrohypersensitivity), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), food allergies and other conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease.
The Symposium features international experts such as:
Michael Bevington is the chair of Trustees of the charity ElectroSensitivity UK (See
Prof Olle Johansson, associate professor, head of the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, is a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects.
Other speakers include:
Martin Pall, PhD, Dr Christabelle Yeoh and Lucinda Curran.
Basic access to the online Symposium is FREE while there are upgrades available for modest fees. (A book option is available for people who have severe electrosensitivity issues and cannot use a computer.)
The Symposium website is below:
NB: Please let colleagues, friends and family know about this event as public education about conditions such as electrosensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is badly needed to help improve the lives of people who have these conditions easier. (The current lack of knowledge among the general public about electrosensitivity, MCS etc. makes life harder than it should be for people who have developed these conditions as neighbours may inadvertently cause harm, by for example, allowing the installation of a smart meter close to the home of some who has electrosensitivity, or by using toxic garden chemicals etc. etc.)
by Katherine | 12 Feb, 2015 | Events, Latest News, Privacy, Take Back Your Power
Your chance to see the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power is coming up on February 24 in Auckland. (If you are not in Auckland, the film may be streamed or purchased from
This highly recommended documentary covers health, privacy and other issues with smart meters.
Details of the screening are here:
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up to the free email list on and you will receive updates on the situation in NZ.
by Katherine | 15 Dec, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Users Feedback
The Prana Festival which takes place at Opoutere on the Coromandel over the New Year (30 December 2014 – 3 January 2015) features music, workshops on subjects as diverse as nutirition, yoga, massage therapy, dance ecology and more.
This year electropollution expert Paul Waddell from has been invited to give two workshops on electropollution.
The workshops will be –
Are Eco Technologies Actually Safe for Humans? (45 minutes and 30 + minutes questions and discussion)
- Brief description of Electro-Pollution & the associated health effects
- Are modern “Eco” technologies actually safe for humans?
(You may be very surprised by the answers to this question)
- What are the health risks associated with Solar Photovoltaic systems,
and how to have a truly safe energy-efficient home
How to Live More Safely in our Modern Techno World (1.5 hrs + 30 minutes questions and discussion)
- What are the possible health effects of electric and magnetic fields, microwave radiation and dirty electricity
- How to measure your environment, a demonstration of test equipment and methods
- Practical ways to lower your exposure and for you and your family to be safer
Details of the Prana Festival are available here
by Katherine | 15 Dec, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Users Feedback
Earlier in the year Joey Moncarz, then a teacher at the local school, organised a presentation evening at Waiuku where we both spoke about the hazards of Wi-Fi in schools.
This time Joey has an evening planned for this week on Wednesday night at the Onehunga Community Centre. Both Joey and Paul Waddell will be talking about Electro-Pollution and particularly the hazards of Microwave Radiation in all of the forms that we are exposed to. It is short notice but hopefully either you or someone you know can make it along.
Wednesday 17th December at 6.30 pm
Onehunga Community Center
83 Church Street, Onehunga
by Katherine | 27 Nov, 2014 | Events, Government and Electricity Industry Positions, Latest News
If you live in Victoria and want to support the party that has been formed to oppose smart meters, People Power Victoria, this page gives you information about how you can do this.
If you would like to learn more about why you may want to consider voting for this party, please see this link:
If you are not in Victoria but have friends and family there please consider letting them know about People Power Victoria.
Information about People Power Victoria and How to Vote for People Power Victoria
The information below has been supplied by People Power Victoria.
Here is the link to PPV’s most recent flier –
On Election Day you have a decision to make. Consider your Vote carefully.
Vote 1 People Power Victoria!
The voice you need … The change you deserve!
How to Vote Cards for all electorates are available on the PPV website – simply select the underlined candidate listed in your electorate. Click here to go to PPV site
Select the underlined candidate in your electorate to find your how to vote card, print it to use to place your vote.
Please share this with others who may be interested, or print off and hand to others prior to voting.
Marc Florio
People Power Victoria
by Katherine | 12 Nov, 2014 | Events, Government and Electricity Industry Positions, Latest News, Users Feedback
If you live in Victoria, Australia, you may well be aware of the controversy surrounding the smart meter issue since the State Government mandated electricity companies to use their “best endeavours” to install smart meters. In practice, as anyone who reads will be aware, electricity companies’ “best endeavours” to install smart meters have included a variety of bullying tactics.
One well known case was that of Sofia Telemzouguer, who became suddenly and acutely ill after a smart meter was installed in the cavity of her bedroom wall while she was away on a business trip. After being discharged from hospital she subsequently found out that the smart meter had been installed and asked the company to remove it. Her electricity company refused to do so, so in desperation, Sofia organised for an electrician to remove the smart meter. This relieved many of Sofia’s symptoms but left her with a new problem because her electricity company cut off her power in apparent retribution for removal of the smart meter. (You can read about Sofia’s story here) After 155 days without power, Sofia finally managed to get her power turned back on, see here; however her problems are not over as she developed electrohypersensitivity (EHS) from the exposure to the radiation from the smart meter and is now unable to work and suffers debilitating symptoms from involantary exposure to EMR (such from municipal wi-fi routers etc.)
Instances such as these has led to the formation of a new political party in Australia called People Power Victoria which has as its key platform the overturning of the smart meter mandate for the State.
If you are concerned about the smart meter situation please let friends and family who may live in Victoria know about People Power Victoria so they know there is a party that opposes smart meters.
The party website is below:
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for the email list at This link also includes a search facility to allow you to search the website for topics of interest.
by Katherine | 5 Nov, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Videos
Earlier this year 92014) electropollution consultant Paul Waddell from gave a lecture on electropollution. Thank you for Vinny Eastwood for filming the lecture and making its available to everyone on youtube.
You can access part one of the presentation at this link and part two will be added when it is available.
NB: If you would like to get updates on the smart meter issue in New Zealand please join the free email list at There is also a search option at to allow you to find articles about other topics of interest on this website
by Katherine | 17 Oct, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Users Feedback
What happens when a doctor and his local community ask questions about a proposed Cell Phone Tower in their neighbourhood ? The answers will shock you. This is a ‘Must See’ Movie – and here is your opportunity to see it for free.
When? Tuesday 28th October at 7.00pm
Where: St Heliers Centre, 100 St Heliers Bay Rd, St Heliers, Auckland 1071
(If you are not in Auckland, please let friends and family in Auckland know about the screening in a timely manner so they don’t miss out.)
Booking essential: Tel 5756098
There will be free refreshments after the movie.
Paul Waddell from will be available to answer questions.
If you are interested in the microwave radiation and health issues, please consider joining the email list for to get updates on what is happening with the smart meter issue in NZ. (If you are in Australia, please visit
by Katherine | 15 Oct, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder that on October 16 there is a special community screening of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power.
Please make plans to attend and/or tell friends and family in this area about the screening. Thank you!
For full details see this link:
by Katherine | 3 Oct, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder that there will be a second community screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power in Marton on October 16. Full details are at this link:
Please let family and friends in this area know about this screening.
Also: If you are on Facebook you may like to visit this new group and let your friends know about it.
Thank you!
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