by Katherine | 3 Aug, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
Just a reminder for people who are in the Hawkes Bay area that expert environmental lawyer Sue Grey will be giving a talk on the science, health and other issues associated with wi-fi in schools in Hastings on August 7.
Full details are at this link:
If you are not in Hawkes Bay yourself but have friends or family there, please let them know about this important presentation. Thank you.
by Katherine | 29 Jul, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
Taikura Rudolf Steiner School is hosting a presentation, in conjunction with concerned parents, on
Wi-Fi in schools: the science, legal position, policy, and health and safety obligations
Thursday 7th August, 7pm at the Taikura School Hall, Nelson St, Hastings.
Guest Speaker: Expert Environmental Lawyer, Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc (Microbiology & Biochemistry), RSHDipPHI,
An examination of international responses to Wi-Fi technology both at governmental and medical levels as well as current NZ government standards will also be covered . Q & A is scheduled at end of evening.
You are warmly invited to attend this talk if you are in Hastings at this time.
by Katherine | 17 Jul, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
Just a reminder to people who live in or around Motueka that the “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power will screen at Motueka’s State Cinema on Monday July 21 at 6.30 PM.
The screening is free so please tell everyone you know in this area so they can make plans to attend.
If you are not in this area, you can buy a DVD or stream the documentary via
by Katherine | 5 Jul, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
The Green Living Sow is on in Auckland this weekend (July 5-6) and local electromagnetic radiation and health expert Paul Waddell will be giving a talk at the expo at 3.30 on Sunday July 6.
For more info on The Green Living Show which is always an enjoyable event and features many other great speakers, please see this link:
Speakers and seminar details here:
by Katherine | 28 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Motueka’s very own State Cinema will host a special community screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power on Monday, July 21st at at 6.30pm.
The screening is FREE. (If anyone would like to contribute a donation this would be welcomed but there is no obligation.)
This documentary is a great way to get informed about the “smart meter” issue so if you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about it so they can plan to attend. Thank you.
by Katherine | 14 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder that the award-winning documentary on”smart meters” Take Back Your Power will screen at Wanaka’s Cinema Paradiso at 12 noon on June 15.
Details for the screening are as follows:
Date: Sunday June 15
Time: 12 noon
Cost: This special screening is just $5 per person.
The address for the cinema is:
72 BROWNSTON ST, WANAKA. (Opposite the entrance to the New World supermarket & Base Backpackers.)
Please tell all your friends and family in the area so that they know about this important event.
You can promote the screening through Facebook…please share Cinema Paradiso’s facebook page and visit it yourself and indicate that you will be attending…this screening has been organised at short notice so please help get the word out so people find out about it in time to attend.
If you are not in this area, you may like to stream the movie from
To be notified in advance of screenings of Take Back Your Power, please join the email list at
by Katherine | 12 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder that a special community screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power will screen in Wanaka’s Cinema Paradiso on Sunday June 15. Full details are at this link:
This screening has been organised at short notice so if you have family or friends in this area, please let them know about it! Thank you!
by Katherine | 11 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder that Thursday, June 12 is the date of the free screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power.
The venue the local Memorial Hall, Pah Street, Motueka and the time for the screening is 6.30 pm.
The organisers may request a small donation from attendees to cover the cost of running this event. (Please check back at this post fr details.)
This venue can seat up to 400 people so please let anyone you know who lives in this area know about the screening. Thank you!
The event is free. (Any donations to help cover the organisers’ costs would be welcome but there is certainly no obligation
If you live in another area you can buy or stream the DVD from
or if you are in the Wanaka area, please see this link for details of the special community screening on Sunday June 15:
by Katherine | 11 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Users Feedback
On May 29, 2014, a public meeting about the health effects of wireless technologies was held in Waiuku, South of Auckland. (Details of the meeting may be found at this link The meeting featured a presentation by electropollution expert Paul Waddell.
Now people who could not attend the meeting can see the Powerpoint show created by Paul Waddell for the meeting, and hear him discuss this important issue.
The focus of the presentation is mostly wi-fi but “smart meters” are also covered.
See this link for details:
by Katherine | 9 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Just a reminder for everyone in or around Motueka that there will be a community screening of the asward-winning “smart meter” documentary on Thursday June 12. The event is free. (Donations are welcome if people would like contribute towards the organisers’ costs.)
Details are at this link:
by Katherine | 9 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Great news for Wanaka, Cinema Paradiso is hosting a special community screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power!
Details for the screening are as follows:
Date: Sunday June 15
Time: 12 noon
Cost: This special screening is just $5 per person.
The address for the cinema is:
72 BROWNSTON ST, WANAKA. (Opposite the entrance to the New World supermarket & Base Backpackers.)
Please tell all your friends and family in the area so that they know about this important event.
You can promote the screening through Facebook…please share Cinema Paradiso’s facebook page and visit it yourself and indicate that you will be attending…this screening has been organised at short notice so please help get the word out so people find out about it in time to attend.
If you are not in this area, you may like to attend the screening in Motueka,(see this link: or you can stream the movie from
by Katherine | 4 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
A reminder that Take Back Your Power will screen at Motueka’s Memorial Hall on June 12.
Details are at this link:
Or if you are not in this area you can see this award-wining documentary at this link:
by Katherine | 3 Jun, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Users Feedback
On May 13, 2014, Mr Andrew Stanton, who works for lines company Network Tasman Ltd addressed the Golden Bay Community Board and members of the public on the issue of the “smart meters” and “smart grid”. The meeting was recorded by a local resident and sent to by another local resident. Thanks to their efforts, you can now hear the recording at the website below.
Thank you to Vinny Eastwood for hosting the audio clip on his website.
Photographs of the slide show used by Mr. Stanton are available on this website at this link
Other links relating to Network Tasman Ltd may be found here:
by Katherine | 3 Jun, 2014 | Events, Government and Electricity Industry Positions, Latest News, Users Feedback
Thanks to a local resident taking photographs of the Powerpoint slide that Mr. Andrew Stanton used to illustrate the talk that he gave to the Golden Bay Community Board and members of the public on May 13, 2014, people who could not attend the event can now see the slides below. (If you would like to hear the presentation and the questions asked, please see this link:
You can click on any of the slides below to enlarge them.
Slide 1: In the slide below you will see the Network Tasman Ltd’s stated reasons for wanting to install “smart meters” and a “smart grid” in the Nelson-Tasman area.
Please note that the claim that smart meters will “reduce energy costs” is highly dubious. “Smart meters” allow for the introduction of “time-of-use” pricing which makes electricity more expensive at peak times and therefore can increase power bills. See this link for details:

Slide 2: This is pretty straightforward…and you can see why an electricity company would prefer to get an automated alarm, rather than phone calls from customers after the power goes off unexpectedly…on the other hand…the potential price customers may pay for their electricity company’s convenience could be adverse health effects from “smart meters”. (See this link:

Slide 3: Again, this slide shows how Network Tasman Ltd hopes “smart meters” and a “smart network” will make it easier to manage the electricity supply. It sounds great, if you ignore the potential effects on health (and privacy) posed by “smart meters”. (See this page for information on privacy:

Slide 4: Below you can see the Network Tasman Ltd claims the one of the benefits of “smart meters” is “privacy”. (Yeah right!) Please read this link if you haven’t already and then decide for yourself what impacts more on your privacy..
Is it
1) Having a meter reader come to your home once a month (or less frequently in some areas) ?
2) Having detailed data about your electricity use transmitted to your electricity company who may supply it (perhaps sell it?) to third parties?*
Bear in mind, the data can be so detailed that whoever has access to it will be able to know when you boil the kettle to make tea/coffee, use your toaster, take a shower, cook, use a computer, TV or any other piece of mains-powered electrical equipment…they will know what you do when in the privacy of your own home…
As for Network Tasman Ltd’s claim that “nothing gets reduced unless it is measured”…
Well, if that isn’t industry spin, I don;t know what is. Most people who want to reduce their power bill reduce their use of appliances that use a lot of electricity, for example they boil vegetables instead of baking them if they have an electric stove and hang washing out to dry outside whenever possible, rather than using a tumble dryer, if they have one. No one needs a “smart meter” to save electricity and reduce their electricity bill.

Slide 5: More advantages, again mostly for Network Tasman Ltd. (When did you last have a fuse blow? I don’t remember ever having to deal with this and I have managed a household and paid electricity bills for 25 years.)

Slide 6: A claim that a “smart meter” is “safer than an electric blanket” is not terribly credible. For a start, electric blankets in poor condition can cause fires and electrocution, but over and above that, sleeping on an electric blanket is a potential health hazard because of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) created by the wiring. By contrast “smart meters” create electromagnetic radiation, specifically radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave spectrum. So, we are talking about products that have two different types of health risk, one from EMF and one from EMR.
Lest you think an electric blanket is completely safe, at the very end of this post is some info about a possible link between electric blankets and breast cancer. (Not all studies have found a link; but some have.) If you must use an electric blanket, turn it off and unplug it before you get into bed to minimise the exposure to EMF.
The potential health risks from “‘smart meters” are summarised at this link:
Please note that these do potentially include an increase in the risk of cancer because radiofrquency radiation produced by “smart meters’ is considered a possible carinogen (class 2B by the International Agency for Research on Cancer; see the link above for details.)
Mr. Stanton also discusses “smart meters” as a possible cause of fires. There have been some “smart meter”-related fires in NZ as this link shows; however it is not clear if the fires reported in 2010 were an isolated incident or whether this is an ongoing issue. Se this link for a TV3 story about fires:

Slides 7 and 8: These feature a graph. The accuracy of this graph has been disputed in a critique of the document from which the graph was sourced. You can read the critique at this link:
The critique has graphs that you can compare with the one used by Network Tasman Ltd.
For other examples of how Network Tasman Ltd. appears to be trying to “manufacture consent” for “smart meters” with a variety of materials on its website purporting to show that “smart meters” do not cause adverse health effects, please see this link:

Slide 9: To their credit, Network Tasman Ltd has stated that people can “opt out” of having a “smart meter” and there will be “no cost” for this.
As you can see at the slide below, if you are in this area and you don’t want a “smart meter” you will need to inform Network Tasman Ltd and/or your retailer. (It is probably best to do both and also put a lock and sign on your meter box in case your name is not removed from list given to the local “smart meter” installer. ) See this link for more details:
The safest sort of meter, health-wise is an analogue (Ferraris) meter* so you may wish to state a preference to maintain your current meter, if it is in good working order or for a new analogue (Ferraris) meter to be installed. A “smart meter” that has had it transmission modem removed may stil pose risks to your privacy, as explained at this link:
Please note that if you are with Genesis or EnergyOnline the Terms and Conditions on these companies’ websites state you must accept a “smart meter”; while Mercury Energy’s Terms and Conditions state that customers must allow meter replacements. (For details on this issue, and suggestions how to handle it, please see these links:
*Please note that quite strong magnetic fields can be produced by a Ferraris meter so bed or work desks where people spend a lot of time should not be situated within one metre of a Ferrais meter. The magnetic field declines rapidly with distance.

More information about Network Tasman Ltd may be found at these links:
Electric blankets as a possible cause of breast cancer:
New Zealand scientist Dr Neil Cherry (sadly deceased) reported in detail on the of electromagnetic fields and cancer in a paper titled “Electromagnetic Radiation Causes Cancer: The Implications for Breast Cancer” at the World Conference on Breast Cancer in Canada in 1999. The PDF may be downloaded at this link:
The following two links are to studies that show an association between electric blanket use and increased breast cancer risk. (There are also studies that do not show a link.)
by Katherine | 31 May, 2014 | Events, Latest News, Take Back Your Power, Users Feedback
Volunteers in Motueka have arranged to screen Take Back Your Power – the award-winning documentary on the “smart meter” issue – on June 12.
The venue the local Memorial Hall, Pah Street, Motueka and the time for the screening is 6.30 pm.
The event is free. (If you would like to give a small donation to help cover the organisers’ costs I am sure this would be appreciated but there is certainly no obligation.)
This venue can seat up to 400 people so please let anyone you know who lives in this area know about the screening. Thank you!
If you live in another area you can buy or stream the DVD from
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