by Katherine | 23 Jan, 2020 | Smart gas meters
An alert for any readers who are customers of Genesis: Genesis plans to introduce so-called “smart” gas meters in 2020.
Genesis is using the term “advanced” to refer to these meters.
While I assume that Genesis has been testing these new meters, quite apart for the potential health risks from the microwave radiation from any type of smart meter, I would not want to have a “smart” gas meter given that there have been reports of fires in association with “smart” electricity meters in NZ and also overseas.
The roll out is not planned to begin until mid-2020 so if you do not want a “smart” gas meter you have time to look for a new gas supplier. (Based on reports received from Genesis electricity customers it does not seem likely that the company would respect your decision to refuse to have a “smart” or, as the company terms it, an “advanced” gas meter at your home or business.)
If you would like to read Genesis’s press release you can find it here:
You may enjoy the following link contributed by an Australian correspondent:
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please email through our Contact Form and ask to be signed up for the email list at This will allow you to get emails that give updates on the smart meter situation with a focus on NZ smart meter news.
by Katherine | 20 May, 2015 | Latest News, Smart gas meters, Uncategorized, Users Feedback
Given the reports of fires (or even explosions) associated with so-called “smart” electricity meters, you might imagine that electronic smart meters would be the last technology you would want measuring the usage of highly flammable and explosive natural gas….Unfortunately you would be wrong.
The NZ Herald reported in 2013 that Vector was “trialling” smart gas meters (See:
Vector’s website states that its Vector Advanced Metering Services (Vector AMS) “provides innovative electricity and gas metering technology to approximately 1,000,000 homes and businesses throughout New Zealand. ”
I have not had any reports from members of the NZ public that a smart gas meter has been installed at their home but this does not mean that this is not beginning to happen here…
In some places overseas, smart gas meters are being rolled out aggressively, much to the concern of customers who may already know people whose health has been harmed by “smart” electricity meters.
The story below was contributed by an Australian who has successfully prevented his gas company from installing smart gas meter.
The correspondent who contributed the photos and letters below is obviously technically savvy when it comes to gas meters; if you are not able to identify the important components of a gas meter, please make sure you get advice from a suitably qualified person if you wish to follow this gentleman’s example and create a bracket to prevent the removal of your existing meter and its replacement with a smart meter without your permission.
If you have a gas meter and do not want a smart gas meter, you may wish to adapt one of the template letters/notices on our Resources page (that are designed to prevent a smart electricity meter installation) and send it to your gas company.
If you would like to give feedback about the response you received from your gas company if you decide to take steps to prevent a smart gas meter from being installed at your home, you can reach us through the Contact Form.
Gas Meter protection Bracket
Unfortunately, I don’t have any mechanical drawings for my bracket (attachment titled, Aussie Analogue Gas Meter Protection Bracket.pdf) because there are numerous types and sizes of meters and they will each have unique installations that require a specialised bracket to be constructed. In my case, I did a sketch of what I wanted and took it to a metal engineering business and they manufactured it from the sketch (where subsequent measurements were also needed) and it fitted perfectly first up.
So I suggest that if anyone prints the photo file off (together with a photo of their own gas meter installation) and supplies these images to their engineer, he should have no problem making a similar bracket.
Cost: ~$160 unpainted
Metal: 6 mm mild steel
Anchor bolts: 4
Padlocks: 2
Aussie Analogue Gas Meter Protection Bracket
You can see a photo here:

Below are two letters that were sent to the gas company specifically refusing a meter that is “AMI” (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) ready gas meter.
Letter to SP Ausnet
Reply to SP Ausnet
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for the email list at This will allow you to get emails that give updates on the smart meter situation with a focus on NZ smart meter news.
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