Take Back Your Power Motueka! Free community screening June 12

Just a reminder that Thursday, June 12 is the date of the free screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power.

The venue the local Memorial Hall, Pah Street, Motueka and the time for the screening is 6.30 pm.

The organisers may request a small donation from attendees to cover the cost of running this event. (Please check back at this post fr details.)

This venue can seat up to 400 people so please let anyone you know who lives in this area know about the screening.  Thank you!

The event is free.  (Any donations to help cover the organisers’ costs would be welcome but there is certainly no obligation

If you live in another area you can buy or stream the DVD from www.takebackyourpower.net

or if you are in the Wanaka area, please see this link for details of the special community screening on Sunday June 15: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/take-back-your-power-wanaka-june-15/

Motueka…Take Back Your Power this week (June 12)

Just a reminder for everyone in or around Motueka that there will be a community screening of the asward-winning “smart meter” documentary on Thursday  June 12.  The event is free. (Donations are welcome if people would like contribute towards the organisers’ costs.)

Details are at this link:https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/smart-meter-documentary-take-back-your-power-to-screen-in-motueka/

Take Back Your Power, Wanaka! June 15

Great news for Wanaka, Cinema Paradiso is hosting a special community screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power!


Details for the screening are as follows:

Date: Sunday June 15

Time: 12 noon

Cost: This special screening is just $5 per person.

The address for the cinema is:

72 BROWNSTON ST, WANAKA. (Opposite the entrance to the New World supermarket & Base Backpackers.)


Please tell all your friends and family in the area so that they know about this important event.

You can promote the screening through Facebook…please share Cinema Paradiso’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/paradisowanaka  and visit it yourself and indicate that you will be attending…this screening has been organised at short notice so please help get the word out so people find out about it in time to attend.

If you are not in this area, you may like to attend the screening in Motueka,(see this link: www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/june-12-take-back-your-power-motueka/  or you can stream the movie from www.takebackyourpower.net



Smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power to screen in Motueka

Volunteers in Motueka have arranged to screen Take Back Your Power – the award-winning documentary on the “smart meter” issue – on June 12.

The venue the local Memorial Hall, Pah Street, Motueka and the time for the screening is 6.30 pm.

The event is free.  (If you would like to give a small donation to help cover the organisers’ costs I am sure this would be appreciated but there is certainly no obligation.)

This venue can seat up to 400 people so please let anyone you know who lives in this area know about the screening.  Thank you!


If you live in another area you can buy or stream the DVD from www.takebackyourpower.net



See Take Back Your Power today!

If you live in or around Tauranga, today (May 7) is your day to see the double award winning “smart” meter documentary Take Back Your Power in a  special community screening!


Full details are at this link


(Other community screenings are listed at this link:  https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/

Or you can stream or purchase a copy from www.takebackyourpower.net




See Take Back Your Power tomorrow (May 7!)

Take Back Your Power, the “smart meter” documentary which has now won two major awards* will be screening in Tauranga tomorrow (May 7)  See this link for details:


(Other community screenings are listed at this link:  https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/)

For information about the latest award, please see this link: www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/take-back-your-power-wins-another-award/



Take Back Your Power wins another award

The “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power (which won the 2013 Aware Guide Transformational Film of the Year Award) has now picked up a second major award:  the Indie Fest Annual Humanitarian Award.

Take Back Your Power follows filmmaker del Sol as he investigates the use of so-named “smart” meter technology, being deployed by utilities and governments to harvest data from within private homes and introduce new pricing schemes.  With compelling insight from whistleblowers, government agents, lawyers, environmentalists and doctors, the documentary “exposes corporate corruption and the erosion of human rights in the name of ‘going green’.”

The Indie Fest is a top-tier international awards competition designed to recognize independent creators of fresh, standout films, television programs, compelling documentaries and new media.  One film is selected each year for the Humanitarian Award based on its dedication to social justice, humanitarian causes, or environmental issues.

Director and producer del Sol spoke of the award helping to expand the reach of the controversial issue. “The subject matter affects everyone, and the conversation deserves to be squarely in the mainstream,” said del Sol. “Should individual rights take a back seat to the collective?  Should energy be an unaffordable privilege, instead of a basic affordable right?  And how can corrupt corporatized government systems be held accountable? These are some of the most profound questions of our time.”

For more information see this link:  http://www.takebackyourpower.net/news/2014/05/05/smart-meter-whistleblowing-documentary-take-back-your-power-wins-indiefest-annual-humanitarian-award/

You can view or buy the film at this link:  www.takebackyourpower.net

If you live in Tauranga you can see the film tomorrow (May 7)!  See this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/take-back-your-power-tauranga/

Or check out other community screenings in NZ at this link:


Kia Ora Tauranga: One week to go to Take Back Your Power as of April 30

Just a reminder that if you are in Tauranga (or have friends and family there) the community screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power will take pace on May 7.


Please forward this post to everyone you know who may be interested to attend…Thank you!

Details are at this link:



14 April…Take Back Your Power, Takaka!

Just a reminded that the award winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power  will screen at the Village Theatre in Takaka on April 14.  Full details are at this link:



If you are not in Takaka you can buy a copy or stream it from www.takebackyourpower.net

Other screenings are listed here:  https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/


Great feedback on Take Back Your Power, Takaka

The first showing of Take Back Your Power in Takaka was a great success with people coming together to watch the film (at special community showing price) and learn about what is happening with the “smart meter” issue here in NZ.

A report on the showing may be read at this link:


Take Back Your Power will screen again on Monday April 14.  Don’t miss it! Details are at this link:


If you are not in this area, please see this link for other screenings: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/

Takaka! Your second chance to see Take Back Your Power is coming soon!

Just a reminder to everyone in the Takaka area (and those who have friends and family in this area) that there will be a second screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power on Monday April 14 at the Village Theatre.

Full details are at this link:


This is a good time to see this documentary as “smart meter” roll outs are now in progress in the Nelson and Tasman areas.

Takaka, today is your day to Take Back Your Power!

Just a reminder to everyone in the Takaka area (and those who have friends and familyin this area) that the first screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power is screening today (April 7, 2014) at the Village Theatre.  Full details are at this link:



(NB: If this is too short notice, there is a second showing in Takaka on April 14; see the above link for details.) To find out about events in a timely manner, please sign up to the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz  .)

Take Back Your Power, Takaka!

A public screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power will take place in Takaka on April 7th and April 14th.

The venue is the Village Theatre, 32 Commercial Street, Takaka 7110.

The dates are Monday 7th and Monday 14 April and the start time is 7.30 pm.

Please bring a $5 koha.

Lines company Network Tasman plans to start rolling out “smart meters” in its area (which includes Takaka, Golden Bay and the greater Nelson and Tasman areas) in April, so seeing this documentary now gives you a chance to decide whether or not you want a “smart meter” in your home or business.  (If you do not want a “smart meter” please see this link: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/how-to-avoid-getting-a-smart-meter/ )

NB: If you are not in Takaka please see this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/2014-screenings-of-take-back-your-power/ for details of other showings in NZ , or you can buy DVD or stream the documentary by visiting www.takebackyourpower.net

Or if you would like to run a screening in your own community please contact us through https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/ and you will be given information and support to do this.