March 20, 2014 Take Back Your Power, Southland!

A community screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power will be held at the South Coast Environment Centre on the evening of March 20.  Please see this link for details:


If you are not in this area, you can purchase a copy of the DVD or stream it from or check out this link for a screening near you…

Take Back Your Power, Tauranga!

A public screening of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power will take place in Tauranga on  May 7th.

The venue is the Wesley Centre, 100 Thirteenth Ave, Tauranga and the start time is 7.15 pm.

Please bring $8 (or more) so that the people who are volunteering their time to organise this screening are not left out-of-pocket for hall hire and the other expenses involved in running the event.  Thank you!

Thank you to EnviroHub (Bay of Plenty) and  Tauranga Monthly Film Nights for organising this public showing.  To learn about the other events offered through the EnviroHub,  please visit

Please check back at this page soon for a link for a poster that you can download and print to advertise the screening.

If you are not in Tauranga please see this link for details of other showings in NZ , or you can buy DVD or stream the documentary by visiting


Take Back Your Power, Wellington!

A public screening of the award-winning documentary on the “smart meter” issue Take Back Your Power has been organised in the Breaker Bay suburb of Wellington.

The screening will take place at 1.30 on Sunday April 6 at Breaker Bay Hall, 150 Breaker Bay Rd, Breaker Bay, Wellington 6022.

The screening will run from 1.30-3.30 and then there will be time for questions and a cup of tea or coffee.  (A koha would be appreciated to help the organiser cover the cost of hall hire and providing refreshments.)


If you would like to help publicise this event there is a poster you can print and put up in (with permission) on community noticeboards, shop windows etc at this link


Another chance to see Take Back Your Power

If you are in the Southland area and missed the showing of the award- winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power on March 10, there is another screening coming up on March 20 at the South Coast Environment Centre at 7.30 pm.

For more details please see this link:


If you are not in this area you can buy a DVD or stream the movie from this link


Other 2014 public showings of Take Back Your Power in NZ will be listed at this link as soon as details are confirmed:



2014 screenings of Take Back Your Power

Free (or koha) screenings of the new documentary Take Back Your Power, the award-winning documentary on the “smart meter” issue are being organised around NZ.

Please check back at this post as it will be updated from time to time.

If you would like to organise a screening in your area, please email through this link for information and support.


2014 Screenings of Take Back Your Power (screenings are listed in chronological order)


March 20:  Take Back Your Power, Southland

The next screenings of Take Back Your Power will be in Riverton, Southland on March 10 and March 20. Full details are at this link:


April 6:  Take Back Your Power, Wellington

Wellington’s first screening of Take Back Your Power will take place on Sunday April 6 at Breaker Bay.  Full details are at this link:


April 7 and April 14:  Take Back Your Power, Takaka

Takaka’s very own Village Theatre is holding two special screenings of Take Back Your Power on the evening of May 7 and May 14.  Full details are at this link:


  May 7:  Take Back Your Power, Tauranga

Thank you to the EnviroHub for organising a public showing of Take Back Your Power in Tauranga on the evening of May 7.  Full details are at this link:


May 19:  Take Back Your Power, Takaka

Due to popular demand, there will be a third screening of Take Back Your Power in Takaka on May 9 at 7.30.  Details are at this link:


Take Back Your Power, Riverton!

There will be community screenings of the award-winning documentary on “smart meters” Take Back Your Power at the South Coast Environment Centre at 154 Palmerston St, Riverton on March 10 and March 20.  The screenings will begin at 7.30 pm.

If you live in this area, PowerNet will begin installing “smart meters” in your neighbourhood soon, so please take this opportunity to learn about “smart meters” and the “smart grid” so you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want a “smart meter” in your home or business.

(If you are not in this area you can stream the film or purchase a DVD from )



Exposed: Google’s “Smart Home” Surveillance Plans, or, How To Not Be Colonised


Site editor’s note:  We are delighted to present a guest column by Josh del Sol, producer and director of the award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power:

NB:  The original version of this article with active links may be read at:


By Josh del Sol,
Producer & Director, Take Back Your Power

1 February 2014

Two weeks ago, the New York Times’ truth-humor strip on “The Home of the Future” came on the heels of Google’s purchase of ‘smart thermostat’ manufacturer Nest for $3.2 Billion.  With power utility commissions such as California already stating their intention to “expand third-party access” to in-home data, the perfect storm is brewing for Google’s mission of making you their product – even in your own home.

For context, this is the same Google whose executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, told MSNBC:

“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”

While pushing to nullify privacy laws, the Big G obviously doesn’t care about pesky old-fashioned encumbrances like ethics either, as evidenced by this gem:

“I would argue that [us] implanting things in your brain is beyond the creepy line – at least for the moment, until the technology gets better.”

The timing of Google’s purchase announcement is interesting, coming only a couple weeks after US federal judge William Pauley ruled that the unwarranted NSA phone surveillance against US citizens is legal.  However, federal judge Richard Leon, the European Union, and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board have all strongly condemned the spy programs.  (The credibility of the Justice Department is in serious question, following revelations that last April it had secretly inked a deal with the Obama Administration to help corporations evade federal wiretap laws.)

The Battleground Hits Home

So where does a ‘smart thermostat’ fit in the current corporatist drive for total in-home surveillance?

For the last couple of years, utilities around the globe have all been touting their new metering systems with buzzwords such as ‘smart’, ‘advanced’, ‘upgraded’, or ‘modernized’.  All rhetoric aside, these devices are intended to integrate with all appliances in your home to form an inescapable wireless data-mining dragnet, dubbed as the “home area network”, with your HVAC and likely other in-home systems overseen by spy-giant Google, if they get their way.

As we’ve seen, even former CIA director David Patraeus was publicly frothing over having the ability to spy through ‘smart’ appliances, intended to wirelessly report back to the meter continuously, while receiving energy-use dictates from the meter.

According to a US Congressional Research Report:

“With smart meters, police will have access to data that might be used to track residents’ daily lives and routines while in their homes, including their eating, sleeping, and showering habits, what appliances they use and when, and whether they prefer the television to the treadmill, among a host of other details.”

Smart grid planners and working groups have even laid these aims out in their internal roadmaps, citing goals such as “new tools for mining data and intel” and “data mining and analytics to become core competency”.

So what can be done to protect rights?  While people cannot vote to prevent corporations from making products such as data-mining thermostats appliances, they do have a voice as utilities try their best to deploy the home-colonizing meters.  Public resistance to ‘smart’ meter deployments has predictably been considerable, as people are learning about not only surveillance capabilities, but also skyrocketing electricity costs, time-of-use billing, risk of fires, home hackability, electrical quality degradation and functional impairments from pulsed microwave radiation — amazingly, all being linked to the new utility metering system.

In Germany, the world leader in solar energy production and arguably technological progress in general, the government has expressed solid opposition to the EU’s ‘smart’ meter deployment hopes, on the back of major cost and privacy issues.  (Curiously, the EU appears to be against dragnet surveillance, while continuing to push its $700 Billion ‘smart’ grid scheme.)

The sheer number of entry-points for concern over this ill-advised corporatist effort is making for an activist’s dream, fueling a movement which is bi-partisan to the core.

The Greenwashed Spy State

Despite pilot programs indicating no energy savings and mounting opposition now from several hundred activist groups, federal governments such as the US are continuing with their push to incentivize utilities to push forward ‘smart’ grid deployment.

Apparently, having a piece of the $11 Billion taxpayer-funded ‘smart’ grid pie, pushed through by the Obama Administration immediately following the 2008 election, is sufficient motivation for utility executives to steamroll forward despite the growing resistance.

As an example, PECO, a major utility in Pennsylvania, is slated to receive $200 Million in stimulus funding if they can deploy 600,000 ‘smart’ meters by April 2014.

Significantly, anyone can choose to protect their in-home rights by saying no to the deployment of a ‘smart’ meter on their home.  There are no legal requirements in any country or region for an energy customer to accept a ‘smart’ meter.

However, utilities are using tactics of intimidation, propaganda, and tacit acceptance – which means that unless you said a clear “no”, they assume a “yes.” In some cases even with a homeowner’s refusal, utilities are forcibly deploying anyway, apparently assuming the liability for doing so, risking litigation.

So Google has played their hand with the $3.2 Billion purchase of Nest, desiring to capture the worldwide ‘smart’ home data-mining market, and praying to the all-spying-eye that people will stay tethered to their ‘smart’ wireless toys as their rights roll swiftly towards a cliff.  But will awareness eventually reach a game-changing crescendo?  It seems as though the potential exists.

If we want to experience a future other than being ruled by technocrats, now is the time to speak up – even if facing the situation isn’t convenient.  People simply need to know the facts.

As stated by former Apple executive Jeffrey Armstrong in our film Take Back Your Power, the question of whether homes will remain free of invasive ‘smart’ metering and appliance technology is “a test case for a technological democracy, if I have ever seen one.” 

About the film Take Back Your Power

Crowd-funded documentary Take Back Your Power  is the winner of the Transformational Film of the Year Award.

Take Back Your Power is available online, on DVD, and for community screenings worldwide.  With an intention to grow global awareness of the major issues surrounding ‘smart’ meters and grid technology, it has been screened in over 90 cities to date.  Viewings have already led to a number of city councils to stop plans to install ‘smart’ meters.  To watch Take Back Your Power, visit or get on the email list for to learn about screenings in NZ.

About the author
Josh del Sol is the director and producer of Take Back Your Power, a revelatory documentary feature film uncovering the worldwide ‘smart’ metering and grid agenda. Watch the film and subscribe to updates at, and follow him via twitter @TBYPfilm.

Related articles by Josh del Sol

Power Takeover: Are smart meters part of the largest corporate scam in history?

Take Back Your Power wins transformational film award!

Take Back Your Power has been named winner of the AwareGuide ( Transformational Film of the Year!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for the film.

A message from Director Dosh Del Sol is below:


Dear Friends,

YOU made this happen! 

Because of your outpouring of support, we’ve won our first major award.

This is a win for the movement, people’s rights and the health of our world.

With deep gratitude,

Josh del Sol

PS. See the full press release here (or read it below):


‘Take Back Your Power’ Wins Transformational Film of the Year Award

SEATTLE, Washington (February 5, 2014) — The hard-hitting documentary Take Back Your Power has been named winner of the AwareGuide Transformational Film of the Year.  The crowd-funded film exposes in-home surveillance issues, customer billing corruption, potential health risks and other problems associated with utilites’ plans for upgrading to a centralized “smart” energy grid.  It finished atop the list of 33 worldwide finalists along with ‘The Ghosts In Our Machine’, co-winner of the award.

“This is a victory for a growing majority who want to restore sanity to the roles played by technology and government,” said Josh del Sol, producer and director of Take Back Your Power.  “The issues unveiled in our film leave viewers rocked and inspired to see solutions.  Winning this award means people are ready for a positive transformation. ”

“A Transformational film,” according to AwareGuide founder and CEO Gary Tomchuk, “seeks to inspire the movement of society towards ideals, values and practices that create a better world for everyone. They focus on solutions for subjects such as consciousness, environment, health, and social issues.”

Take Back Your Power features interview footage from whistleblower Edward Snowden, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former British Columbia premier Bill Vander Zalm, public health investigator Blake Levitt, rights advocate lawyer James Turner, and other experts, doctors and environmentalists.

“The NSA spying progams are half of the story – we’re exposing the other half, and what we can do about it,” stated del Sol.  “We have an amazing community of grassroots support worldwide, and have held more than 90 community screenings.  Our aim is to work with grassroots campaigners in every city, and to have every public official see Take Back Your Power.”

Take Back Your Power is available to stream online and on DVD at, where viewers can also request a community screening.

(Site editor’s note:  Free/koha screenings of Take Back Your Power are being organised in NZ.  Please sign up for updates on and you will be sent an email to let you know about screenings that are coming up.

If you would like to organise a screening of Take Back Your Power in your own community, please email through this link and you will be sent information and be given support to do this.)



Four hours to go to vote for Take Back Your Power

Take Back Your Power, the documentary on “smart meters” and the “smart grid” which explores, health, privacy and other issues relating to “smart meters” has been nominated for the “Transformational Film of the Year” award by

Voting closes at 9 pm NZ time Tuesday February 4.

Take Back Your Power needs YOUR help to win.

If you haven’t already voted please do so now at this link

If you have voted, THANK YOU! and please tell your friends and family and ask them to vote too by emailing them this link or sharing on Facebook, Twitter etc!

For more information see this link:


Still time to vote for Take Back Your Power

There is still time to vote for Take Back Your Power to help this great “smart meter” expose win the Aware Guide “Transformational Film of the Year” Award.

Please  vote at this link NOW while voting is still open:

After you vote, please SHARE THE LINK with everyone you know.  We need supporters to post it everywhere this afternoon & evening: Email, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit…

More info on the movie and award nomination may be found at this link




Take Back Your Power Now at #3 – Please vote now!

Great news! Stop Smart Meters in Victoria, Australia has reported that the “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power is at #3 in the voting ranking for the “Transformational Film of the Year Award, so please vote now if you have not already done so!  (SOURCE:

This is the link at which you can vote:


Further information is below:

Take Back Your Power, the documentary on “smart meters” and the “smart grid” which explores, health, privacy and other issues relating to “smart meters” has been nominated for the “Transformational Film of the Year” award by

Winners of the award are determined by votes from the public, so if you have seen this excellent documentary and would like to support it, please vote online at

Votes need to be made by the evening of Monday February 3rd, (LA time).

(You can see introductory materials about the documentary here:

If you have not seen the film you can stream or purchase a copy at www.takebackyour

The trailer can be accessed via at this link:

Public screenings of Take Back Your Power are planned for many parts of NZ in 2014, so please sign up to the email list at and you will be emailed information about showings near you.  If you are interested in running a showing yourself, please email through this link and you will sent information and support materials.


A message from the director of Take Back Your Power

Site editor’s note:  Take Back Your Power (see is an excellent documentary that covers health, privacy and other issues associated with “smart meters” and the “smart grid” in an engaging way.  It has now been nominated for an award.  Voting for this award ends on the evening of Monday, February 3, so please vote now at if you would like to help this important film win!  

Below is a message from the film’s director, Josh del Sol, that you may like to read, which includes tips for how to use social media to spread the word about the award nomination and how to vote:


Dear Friends,

Thanks to all of your ongoing support, our film and the movement to stop “smart” meters continues to grow.  The latest exciting news is that we’ve been nominated for the 2013 AwareGuide Transformational Film of the Year.

We need your help to win.

Please take a moment to VOTE for Take Back Your Power.
We are thrilled with this prestigious nomination that will help to galvanize more people to support the film and to join our movement.

After you’ve had a moment to vote, please spread the word about voting with this link:

Email to your subscribers and friends
Post on Facebook
Share on Twitter using hashtags like #spygrid, #NoSmartMeters, #takebackyourpower
Repost to your websites

Thank you for all you do.

Josh del Sol
Director, Take Back Your Power

PS: Don’t forget to share this link after you vote!

Take Back Your Power nominated for award!

Take Back Your Power, the documentary on “smart meters” and the “smart grid” which explores, health, privacy and other issues relating to “smart meters” has been nominated for the “Transformational Film of the Year” award by

Winners of the award are determined by votes from the public, so if you have seen this excellent documentary and would like to support it, please vote online at

Votes need to be made by the evening of Monday February 3rd, (LA time).

(You can see introductory materials about the documentary here:

If you have not seen the film you can stream or purchase a copy at www.takebackyour

The trailer can be accessed via at this link:

Public screenings of Take Back Your Power are planned for many parts of NZ in 2014, so please sign up to the email list at and you will be emailed information about showings near you.  if you are interested in running a showing yourself, please email through this link and you will sent information and support materials.




December 3: Take Back Your Power, Hawkes Bay!

The first Hawkes Bay screening of the highly recommended  new documentary on “smart meters”  Take Back Your Power is taking place on Tuesday, December 3.


Details are as follows:

7.30pm Tuesday 3rd December

Clive Hall, 162 Main Road Clive

(Hawke’s Bay)

A gold coin donation/koha is requested to help cover the cost of the hire of the hall.


If you are not in the Hawkes Bay, please check out this link for local screenings that are happening near you:

OR see the trailer at this link  

OR stream/buy the DVD from this link:


If you would like to arrange a screening in your area please email through the Contact form at this link and you will be sent information to help you do this.


December 5: Take Back Your Power, West Auckland

The first West Auckland screening of the highly recommended  new documentary on “smart meters”  Take Back Your Power is taking place on Thursday, December 5.


Details are as follows:

The Peasant Film Club (which regularly runs documentaries on interesting topics) will be hosting a West Auckland showing of the outstanding new documentary on “smart meters” Take Back our Power on Thursday, December 5.

The screening will take place at the premises of WEA Waitakere, 9 Henderson Valley  Rd, Henderson, West Auckland, starting at 7.30 PM.

Details and a map of the venue location may be found at this link:

The venue seats 30 people, so if numbers are too high to accommodate everyone, there will be a repeat screening on Friday December 6.


If you are not in West Auckland, please check out this link for local screenings that are happening near you:

OR see the trailer at this link  

OR stream/buy the DVD from this link:


If you would like to arrange a screening in your area please email through the Contact form at this link and you will be sent information to help you do this.