Great news! Stop Smart Meters in Victoria, Australia has reported that the “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power is at #3 in the voting ranking for the “Transformational Film of the Year Award, so please vote now if you have not already done so!  (SOURCE:

This is the link at which you can vote:


Further information is below:

Take Back Your Power, the documentary on “smart meters” and the “smart grid” which explores, health, privacy and other issues relating to “smart meters” has been nominated for the “Transformational Film of the Year” award by

Winners of the award are determined by votes from the public, so if you have seen this excellent documentary and would like to support it, please vote online at

Votes need to be made by the evening of Monday February 3rd, (LA time).

(You can see introductory materials about the documentary here:

If you have not seen the film you can stream or purchase a copy at www.takebackyour

The trailer can be accessed via at this link:

Public screenings of Take Back Your Power are planned for many parts of NZ in 2014, so please sign up to the email list at and you will be emailed information about showings near you.  If you are interested in running a showing yourself, please email through this link and you will sent information and support materials.