Letter sent to Mayor and Councillors of the Waikato District Council

On Friday, August 16, having learned that the Waikato  District Council had an item relating to “smart” water meters on its agenda for an extraordinary meeting scheduled for August 19, I emailed the Mayor and Councillors to express concern about the potential adverse effects of “smart” water meters on human health, water quality, wildlife and people’s  privacy and home security and to ask that they do NOT pass any resolution in favour of adopting “smart” water metering technology.

(You can read background information about the item on the Council’s agenda (including its wording and background information on “smart” water meters in NZ) at this link https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/uncategorized/urgent-smart-water-meter-alert-for-waikato-district-council-area/)

My reason for writing was that I thought it unlikely that the Mayor or Council members would have been provided with information relating to the potential risks posed by “smart” water meters to human health, wildlife or privacy by “smart” water meter proponents.

The letter that I wrote may be downloaded from the link below:

Letter to Waikato District Council v2.

The Council voted in favour of introducing water meters to Ngaruwahia, Huntly and Raglan and to continue to monitor “smart” water metering technology with a view to adopting it when it is considered “proven” and “cost effective”.  Please see this link for details: https://stopsmartmeters.org.nz/uncategorized/waikato-district-council-vote-on-water-meters-and-smart-water-meters/


October 16: Take Back Your Power Napier!

A special community screening of the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power will take place in Napier at 7 pm on Thurssday October 16.


The venue is:

Tamatea Community Church Hall

1 York Ave




if you need to contact the organisers please email through this link: www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/contact-us/

Please  bring a gold coin donation to help the organisers cover their costs.


If you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about this event so that they can make plans to attend.

Thank you.


For more information about the film, please see www.takebackyourpower.net

October 16…Take Back Your Power Marton

Marton’s Valhalla Cinema will be holding a second special community screening of the award winning documentary Take Back Your Power at 6 pm on Thurdsday October 16.

Please  bring a gold coin donation to help the organisers cover their costs.

If you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about this event so that they can make plans to attend.

Thank you.

For more information about the film, please see www.takebackyourpower.net


September 13 award-winning smart meter documentary to screen in Marton

Just a reminder that a special community screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power will take place in Marton on September 13. Full details are at this link: www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/uncategorized/award-winning-smart-meter-documentary-to-screen-in-marton-on-september-13/

If you are not in this area, you can stream or purchase the documentary from www.takebackyourpower.net

Organic NZ magazine publishes smart meter election guide

Organic NZ magazine has been at the forefront of educating New Zealanders about the health risks of electromagnetic radiation for many years and over the past couple of years recently featured some excellent articles on smart meters and health by electropollution consultant Paul Waddell from www.safespace.net.nz which you can read at these links:



The latest issue of Organic NZ includes a guide to the different political parties’ positions on the smart meter issue.

Organic NZ magazine is available through bookstores, supermarkets and other magazine outlets.  It is also available on subscription from http://organicnz.org.nz/magazine

NB:  Information on different parties’ smart meter policies may also be found on this website at this link:



Investigate magazine tackles smart meter issue

One of the cover stories for the the August-September issue of Investigate magazine is “Smart Meters: What do you really know about the new electricity meters”.  The article includes a discussion of what may be the world’s first case of a “smart” meter-linked cancer as well as a discussion of other health problems associated with exposure to the radiofrequency radiation from smart meters and privacy and financial issues with these new meters.

This issue of Investigate features many other stories that health conscious readers will appreciate including one of how LEDs used in electronics and now, increasingly in lighting, may cause eye damage and new research on how the “dinosaur tree” Gingko biloba offers hope for stroke sufferers.

Investigate magazine is available through bookstores, supermakets and other magazine outlets.

Investigate magazine’s website is http://www.investigatemagazine.com/

Dr. Samuel Milham presentation now online for limited time

There were some technical glitches with the opening presentation of the EMF Summit.  Consequently if you weren’t able to see Dr. Milham’s presentation you can sign up at http://www.emfsummit.com/ now and watch it for FREE for the next 48 hours or so (as of  about 6pm  on 4/9/14 NZ).

His presentation is:

  • Dirty Electricity: How We Can Co-exist With This Powerful Technology and Its Inherent Dangers 
  • Dr. Samuel Milham is the physician-epidemiologist who first alerted the world about electromagnetic exposure in various careers and the link to human disease.
  •  He was also the first person to notice the correlation between different professions, exposure to dirty electricity and certain types of cancer.

The latest on how smart meters affect your privacy

If you value your privacy, please take a few minutes to read the information at the link below about how smart meters could affect your privacy.




For a specifically NZ perspective, please see these links:





Special community screening of Take Back Your Power in Marton September 13

Just a reminder that a special community screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power will take place in Marton on September 13. Full details are at this link: www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/uncategorized/award-winning-smart-meter-documentary-to-screen-in-marton-on-september-13/

If you are not in this area, you can stream or purchase the documentary from www.takebackyourpower.net

WellFest Expo to feature talk on smart meters and health

The WellFest expos http://wellfest.co.nz/  feature a large variety of health-related exhibitors, plus food court, free seminars and a special Kids Zone with entertainers. The WellFest events are high quality events and very enjoyable.

This year’s Auckland WellFest event takes place on September 20-21.

On Saturday September 20 from 2.15 to 2.45 pm, Katherine Smith, founder of www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz will speak at WellFest’s Seminar Room 5  about smart meters and health and share vital information to help you to protect yourself and your family.




Free community screening of Beings of Frequency September 23

Beings of Frequency, the documentary that covers electromagnetic radiation and health  will screen at St Heliers Community Centre, 100St Heliers Bay Rd in Auckland on September 23 at 7pm.

Bookings are essential due to limited seating so please phone 575 6098 to book your place.

The screening is free and refreshments will be served.  The event has been organised by Paul Waddell from www.safespace.ne.nz who will be available to answer questions after the movie.

Please let family and friends in Auckland know about this event. Thank you.


You can download a poster to put up to advertise this event from the link below:




Free EMR and Health quarterly now available online

EMR Australia http://www.emraustralia.com.au/ has just published it latest quarterly on different aspects of EMR and health.  The current issue features the following topics:

  • how wireless devices affect children and what you can do about it;
  • how mobile phones affect the brain and fertility;
  • the latest findings from science;
  • how children and teens are using technology;
  • an article on electrosensitivity by guest writer, Dr Richard Conrad;
  • hybrid cars;
  • legislation in France and Australia;
  • news from around the world – and much more.

You can download the issue as a PDF as from this link:
