Friday August 29 is your chance to see Take Back Your Power

Just a reminder that there is a special screening of the award-winning smart meter documentary on Friday August 29 in Whakatane.  Please see this post for details:


NB: If you are not in Whakatane, you can stream it from

PS:  If you are in Marton your chance to see the movie for FREE is coming on  September 13:  See:

Expert environmental lawyer Sue Grey’s presentation on wi-fi in schools now online

Expert environmental lawyer Sue Grey’s presentation on wi-fi in schools is now online.


You can see her presentation at this link:

Thank you to Sue Grey and to everyone who helped with recording and editing her presentation so it could be made available online to people who could not attend the presentation.

Award winning smart meter documentary to screen in Marton September 13

You can see the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power in Marton for FREE on Saturday 13 September at 2pm at the Valhalla Cinema in Broadway, Marton.


If you would like to bring a donation to help cover the organisers’ expenses, this would be welcomed but there is no obligation.


Please let family and friends in this area know about this special community event.   Thank you.

Award-winning smart meter documentary to screen in Whakatane Friday August 29

Take Back Your Power, the award-winning documentary on smart meters will screen in Whakatane on Friday August 29.

Details are below:

Date: Friday 29th AUGUST
Time: 6.30-8.30pm

VENUE: Eastbay REAP, Pyne Street, Whakatane

Cost: Koha towards refreshments

Copies of DVD for sale at $16 each

Join us for an action-oriented screening of Take Back Your Power.
Come to our sparking discussion about how we can save energy, save
money and not endanger our health.


A few words of introduction about the film, written by the organiser, Pip Norvell are below:

[NB: If you would like to be in touch with the organiser, please email through the Contact form at this link and your email address will be passed along to her if you request this.]

is a feature length documentary from the USA about Smart Meters and takes us on a journey “investigating the erosion of rights…”  Smart Meters are electronic electricity meters that measure and record electricity consumption and transmit this information back to the retailer (reference 1 – see below for reference list), and the claim is that they will significantly reduce our impact on Climate Change, amongst other things (2).


The film has melodramatic pseudo-science moments and creepy menacing music, but don’t be misled – there is a serious case to be answered about the safety of yet another Radio Frequency EMF-emitting device attached permanently to the side of your house.

I have never given so much of my time to researching one film topic; I wanted to establish the relevence of the Smart Meter industry to a NZ audience, discovering on the way that our retailer had attached one without our consent, and despite current NZ safety guidelines (3)(4), less than one meter from a young person’s head when he sleeps.

I have been in touch with others in NZ seeking to avoid Smart Meters (5)(6), read countless scientific documents, and contacted several retailers – exposing the retailers in this situation is not my intention. They have attempted to be helpful, and stand to lose customers, possibly, through no fault of their own. They are not the ones making money from the deployment of smart meters in most cases (7). The ‘safety’ information they have been feeding me has been supplied to them by Government agencies (8)(4) relying on industry-funded research (3)(9) using out-dated and inadequate US standards (10)(16).

The Government’s activity on the issue has been to establish a Forum “to advance the development of smart electricity networks in New Zealand” (13) and to remove barriers (14) to the roll out. This is being hailed by nearly all Political Parties as of benefit to the Environment, the customers and the wallet (15). Only one Party, the Democrats for Social Credit (11) is calling for an immediate moratorium “until the technology is proven to not be a risk to health, and until home owners are given a choice about whether or not they are willing to admit the smart grid into their homes.”

Over one million smart meters have already been installed in NZ. This drive has been fuelled by a directive from the Electricity Agency to certify meters before April 2015, even though analogue meters are “by no means inaccurate”(12). The Agency says “All residential meters installed prior to October 1999 have certification that expires on 1 April 2015. To ensure that they operate accurately, all these meters need to be recertified before that date. Many retailers are using this as an opportunity to update metering technology, rather than having existing meters recertified.”

I can see that there is a relentless drive to replace every single meter in NZ (and the world..) as soon as possible, and for plausibly good reasons, but what if…? What if they are not safe? (17)(18) What if they do increase the risk of your house burning down? What if they do enable data hackers or ‘the industry’ to spy on you through your appliances? What if….?

Please come and see this film. Inform yourselves. Find out which retailers will give you a choice, and what you can do if you don’t want the smart meter you didn’t realise you had. Take Back Your Power!

Best Regards,

Pip Norvell




1. and
3. (page 16);
4. (page 20)
5. -Smart Meter Free Families in NZ FB Group
6.  and for collated information
7. – Question under “Meters’ heading about ownership.
8.– Electricity Agency
9. – Arc Innovations, Meridian
12. Item 40


East Bay REAP


Live in the Matamata-Piako Council area? Please tell your Council that “smart” water meters are not acceptable

Matamata-Piako District Council is  currently seeking public input into water issues, including water meters.  The consultation includes a discussion of whether water meters should be adopted.  (See this link for details

If you live in this area and do not want water meters or “smart” water meters, please make your opinions known;  Please make a submission by August 22.  (The link above has details how to do this.)

Please also let friends and family in this area know about the consultation.



The links below provide information on the current status of “smart” water meters in NZ.  (Like “smart” electricity meters, “smart” water meters use radiation frequency radiation in the microwave to send information about water use.)

The lower of the two links also includes information about the potential downsides of water meters in general.  If you would like to make a submission regarding water meters in general and/or smart meters, you may find the information at these links helpful.

Please encourage friends and family in the Matamata-Piako area to also contribute to the consultation.  A short statement outlining your concerns about water meters in general and/or your about the potential health impacts of “smart” water meters is all that is required to contribute to this consultation.

NB:  If you email Councillors about the smart water meter issue, please consider emailing through the Contact form at this link to me know what response you receive. Many thanks.

Some ideas to help you write to the Mayor and Councillors of Waikato District Council

URGENT: The Waikato District Council is having an extraordinary meeting on August 19 during which they will decide (among other things) whether to accept a resolution relating to “smart” water meters.  (See this post for details:


If you oppose the introduction of “smart”  water meters to  the area served by Waikato District Council (and/or oppose the introduction of water meters in general, here are some ideas you may like to use when emailing the Mayor and Councillors to express your opposition.

Please share this link and encourage everyone you know to do likewise. Thank you.


The email adresses for the Mayor and Councillors are at this link:


A suggested format for the letter will be detailed below.



If you oppose the introduction of water meters in general, you may want to express one or more of the following reasons for your opposition:

* Cost to Council:  You may think that the money spent buying and installing water meters could be better spent by the Council in other areas (please give examples, if you know of a local Council service which has not been funded or is under-funded where the money could be better spent.)

*  Cost to Rate Payers:  You may wish to express concern that spending money on water meters will be reflected in your rates bill, in terms of increased charges for water and/or a general increase in rates to cover the capital expenditure involved in installing water meters.  If any rates increase may adversely affect your personal budget and/or viability of your business (if it is one that uses a lot of water, for example, a cafe or other business that provides toilet facilities for the public) you may wish to discuss this.

*  Public health reasons:  You may wish to express opposition to water meters as this increases the cost of living for everyone and low income families may be adversely affected by having to cut back on water use, and consequently being more at risk of developing impetigo, scabies and other communicable skin conditions as a consequence of being  unable to afford to pay for sufficient water to bathe and to wash clothes, towels, bedding etc. as often as necessary.  (If you work in an early childhood centre or school or other provider of education and care to children which may be adversely affected by changes in families’ water use patterns, you may wish to add this.)

*  Impact on home gardening: Installing water meters and making water expensive may reduce people’s ability to enjoy planting flowers to beautify their neighbourhood and also restricts people’s ability to  grow their own fresh fruit and vegetables, potentially reducing their nutrition and impacting adversely on their general health.

*  Impact on education and community facilities:  If you work in an early childhood centre, school or tertiary education provider that is already on a tight budget how will having to pay extra for water impact on the services that you offer? Will it mean cut-backs in terms of what you can offer chidlren and/or students?  or increased fees?  Or both?

* Other reasons:  You may have other reasons for opposing the introduction of water meters, for example that once water meters are instlled it may be easier for future Councils to privatise the water supply:  Please express these in any email you may write.



* Health reasons:

1) “Smart” water meters use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to send information about water use and this radiation is considered a “possible carcinogen” by the International Agency on Cancer. (See:

2)  People who are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation may suffer from increased symptoms if “smart” water  meters are introduced given that these meters produce RFR.  For more information about how people who are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and the challenges they face, please see these links:

NB:  There is no information on how many people are affected in NZ because NZ does not keep statistics.  However, in Sweden where good statistics are kept, three percent of the adult population is known to be affected by sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation, also variously known as EHS, ES or EMS.  As you will see from the links above, life is very difficult for people who are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and they certainly do not deserve to be further burdened with extra EMR from “smart” water meters when analogue meters are available, if the Council wants to introduce water meters.


* Potential adverse impacts on wildlife: 

The US Department of the Interior has cited substantial research that shows RFR has an adverse effect on wildlife and that current US standards (which, like the comparable National Standard in NZ are designed to protect ONLY against thermal injuries and shocks) provide in inadequate protection for wildlife. (Please see this link for details:

If the Waikato District Council plans to link up “smart” water meters with WEL Network Ltd’s “smart boxes” there will likely be an increase in the use of 900 MHz frequencies that have been cited by the US Dept of the Interior as harming birds.



1)  Start with your name and address

(If you are not in the Waikato District Council but are writing, for example,  because you are concerned about friends or family in the area, or because you are a health professional with an interest in public health issues or you or your environmental group are concerned about adverse effects on wildlife, etc. please specify, this when you introduce yourself at the beginning of the email.)


Suggested format for rest of email:



Dear Sirs/Madams, [if you are writing the same email to everyone]

I am a resident of [your town] OR I am writing on behalf of [your business/community organisation]

I am writing to ask you to vote against any proposal to introduce water meters and/or smart water meters because

[List your reasons]

[Add any other comments you may want to make;  bearing in mind that short emails are more likely to be read than long emails.]

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


Yours sincerely/ Naku noa, na,


[Your name]

[Your organisation, if writing on behalf of an organisation]


URGENT: Smart water meter alert for Waikato District Council area

September 25, 2014: An update on this issue is at this link:


URGENT: The Waikato District Council is having an extraordinary meeting on August 19 during which they will decide (among other things) whether to accept a resolution relating to “smart” water meters.


The wording of the relevant portion of the item on the agenda is “that the Council continue to monitor the progression of smart water metering technology with a view to implement the technol0gy when it becomes cost effective and proven in NZ.”*


Given that there has already been a trial of “smart” water meters in Tauranga (see this link:

and a trial is ongoing in Tairua (see this link:    ) it may not be long before the Council may consider that the technology is proven for NZ – and the Council may consider it cost effective, given that “smart” water meters can potentially be integrated with the so-called “smart boxes” (actually  Landis+Gyr smart meters) being installed by Waikato  lines company WEL Networks Ltd.

(Please see this link for how “smart” water meters may be integrated with “smart boxes”.

The Council will also be discussing whether to pass a resolution regarding the installation of water meters in Ngaruwahia, Huntly and Raglan.

Water meters of any type are controversial because they usually result in an increase in the amount of money home and businesses end up paying to their Council each year.

Charging for water potentially has public health impacts, especially for low income families who may have to cut back on water use and consequently be more vulnerable health problems associated with poorer hygiene such as impetigo, scabies and other communicable conditions that can be spread via towels, clothing and bedding that are not washed sufficiently regularly.


If you would like to do something to help:


* Please email the mayor and Councillors stating your opposition to “smart” water meters

You can find their emails here and I will be posting template letters to make this easy to do later; please check back at this site later.


*  Please alert all your friends and family in the Waikato region to this issue by sharing this post.


Please tell all friends and family in the Waikato region that it is NOT compulsory to have a WEL smart box installed and to refuse its installation.  Without WEL smart box installations to collect the data from “smart” water meters, it may not be economically feasible to install “smart” water meters.  (Please see this link for information on  WEL smart boxes and how they are NOT compulsory:

Also please see this link on potential health impacts of the WEL Networks Ltd “smart box”:

(If this link is not working when you click on it, please copy and paste it into your browser. Thank you.)


*You can read the full text of the agenda of the meeting at the link below.


An update on this issue is at this link:

Who controls your heat pump? You? Or your electricity company?

SITE EDITOR’S NOTE August 20: I have received some feedback on this article, which stated, in part, that most “smart” meters in NZ do not contain ZigBee chips. (See below.) The post below in its original version did state that “not all” smart meters in NZ contain ZigBees;  however, for the sake of clarity I have re-edited the post to make it clear that most smart meters in NZ do not contain ZigBees.

I will write a follow-up post in response to other comments as soon as I can.

SITE EDITOR’S NOTE August 28:  I have followed up on other criticisms of this post and found out that it is not mandatory for heat pumps to have ZigBees or “demand response functionality”  in NZ (despite the statements on the website of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; see below for the reference.)  However, there are heat pumps that are registered as being for suitable for use in NZ and Australia that do have “demand response functionality”.  This “demand response functionality” allows for the heat pumps to be turned down to their lowest setting, rather than be turned off. 

I will be writing a new post that explores these issues and give references so that you can find out whether your heat pump is one that may be able to be controlled remotely by your electricity company in a new post as as soon as I have time.  In the meantime, I have added Editor’s notes to the post below to correct the errors. If you would like to be notified when the new post has been written, please join the email list at


Who controls your heat pump…You?…Or your electricity company?

Do you have a heat pump in your home? I bet you appreciate its reliable warmth, especially when NZ is in the grip of a southerly that has come straight up from the Antarctic.

However, if you have a “smart meter” in or on your home, don’t count on always being able to enjoy that wonderful warmth….even if you always pay your bill on time.

Why not? Because your electricity or lines company may be able to turn off your heat pump remotely. [Ed note:  Actually the electricity or lines company may be able to turn your heat pump down, rather than shut it off altogether.  See Ed note of August 28, above.]

Smart meters which are fitted with a ZigBee communications chip have the ability to “talk” to “smart” appliances – and since 2011, according to a document on the website of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment heat pumps in NZ have been required to be “smart”.* [Ed note:  There is actually no such requirement at this stage, despite the statement on the website of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment; see Ed note of August 28, above].

Not all smart meters in NZ contain ZigBee chips at this point;  in fact, to the best of my knowledge most smart meters that have been installed to date here do not contain ZigBee chips.

However, the “smart boxes” being rolled out by WEL Networks Ltd in the Waikato and the Landis+Gyr E350 series smart meters being rolled out by Network Tasman Ltd, Counties Power and some other companies that are part of the SmartCo consortium do contain ZigBees.  (The ZigBees are part of the Silver Spring model 454 Network Interface Card (NIC) which the meters use to send information back to the lines company and/or electricity retailer. The default setting of the ZigBee part of the Network Interface Card is claimed to be “off”.  However, it may only be a matter of time before the ZigBee is turned on.  I have no information regarding how the ZigBee can be turned on;  it is possible this may be able to be done remotely.)

The Labour party would like to see all smart meters fitted with ZigBees: see

(Please note that the Labour party is one of many parties that support smart meters in general;  see the 2014 Election Questionnaire from if you want to learn about other parties  that support smart meters

If you have a smart meter that contains a ZigBee, your power or lines company may therefore potentially be able to switch off your heat pump remotely. [Ed note:  Actually the electricity or lines company may be able to turn your heat pump down, rather than shut it off altogether. See Ed note of August 28, above.] Of course it’s done in the name of managing energy better, of course; but what may be great for your lines company may not be so wonderful for you. (Goodbye cosy warmth.)

If you do not yet have a smart meter, count yourself lucky;  you control your appliances; your lines or electricity company cannot switch them off  [or otherwise interfere with their operation] when you least expect it – or most need them.



Please see this link for information on how to keep your home “smart meter”-free. )


PS: Interested in learning how smart meters can affect your electricity bills?  Read this post:


*According to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s  “Analysis of submissions on Smart meters: How households and the environment can benefit Briefing for Commerce Committee: “From 2011 in New Zealand, all new heat-pumps will be “smart”. New heat pumps will be required by the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) to have “demand response functionality”. This means they will be able to “talk to” a HAN. The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) is looking at extending this requirement to more appliances.”


(NB: Even if there is no “smart meter” in the home, appliances which contain the ZigBee communications unit may still produce microwave radiation at  in an attempt to communicate with a non-existent “smart meter”, so if buying new appliances, it is prudent to avoid those that are marketed as being “smart” if you do not want to unnecessarily expose yourself to RFR in the microwave range.)


Cell phone radiation damages cells

Scientists in the Ukraine state that cell phone radiation damages human cells – and that the mechanism by which this occurs is through increased oxidative stress.


Y0u can read the full story here:!byCfF9


NB: Given this new information  (and the research linking cell phone use to brain, and other, cancers)  if you have to use a cell phone, placing the phone on a table or other surface and using an air tube headset  is the safest way to do this to reduce radiation exposure to your brain.

Avoid using cell phones in vehicles, especially moving vehicles, even with hands free sets as the phone has to put out extra RFR to connect while in a car or other moving vehicle such as a bus or train.

New videos on EMR and Health

Auckland electropollution Expert Paul Waddell from now has two new videos available. The one at this link is his presentation to  AIMA (Australasian Integrative Medical Association) members at their 2014 conference:


The video at this link is to Paul Waddell’s presentation on wi-fi in schools:

Neuroscientist warns Arizona Health Authorities about “smart meters”

Swedish Neuroscientist and Associate Professor at the prestigious Karolinska institute in Stockholm Sweden, Olle Johansson, has written a letter to the Arizona Dept. of Health Services encouraging them to re-evaluate the risks of utility company smart grid policies.   Johansson urges them to share his skepticism of industry-funded research into the extremely controversial question of whether exposures from wireless devices- including “smart” meters-  are causing preventable damage to the public health.


You can read more about this at this link:

Exposure Standards: “Out of Date and Inapplicable” – and allowing harm to wildlife

US Department of Interior has attacked the Ferderal Telecommunications Commission (FCC) because of problems that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from cell phone towers and other sources is causing to wildlife.
The Director of the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance of the United States Department of the Interior sent a letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in the Department of Commerce that addresses the Interior Department’s concern that cell tower radiation has had negative impacts on the health of migratory birds and other wildlife.
The Interior Department accused the Federal government of employing outdated radiation standards set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a Federal agency with no expertise in health.  The standards are no longer applicable because they control only for overheating and do not protect organisms from the adverse effects of exposure to the low-intensity radiation produced by cell phones and cell towers:
“Study results have documented nest and site abandonment, plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship, and death (e.g., Balmori 2005, Balmori and Hallberg 2007, and Everaert and Bauwens 2007). Nesting migratory birds and their offspring have apparently been affected by the radiation from cellular phone towers in the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency ranges – 915 MHz is the standard cellular phone frequency used in the United States. [Website editors note:  These frequencies are used by many “smart meters” in NZ and the 915 MHz band is also used for cell phones.]
However, the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today. [Website editor’s note:  NZ standards for RFR are similar designed to protect against thermal injury and shocks, not other adverse effects, despite voluminous evidence of harm at non-thermal levels: see for more information on RFR.]
The Department  criticized the Federal government’s proposed procedures for placement and operation of communication towers, and called for “independent, third-party peer-reviewed studies” in the U.S. to examine the effects of cell tower radiation on “migratory birds and other trust species.”
“The problem, however, appears to focus on very low levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. For example, in laboratory studies, T. Litovitz (personal communication) and DiCarlo et al. (2002) raised concerns about impacts of low-level, non-thermal electromagnetic radiation from the standard 915 MHz cell phone frequency on domestic chicken embryos – with some lethal results (Manville 2009, 2013a). Radiation at extremely low levels (0.0001 the level emitted by the average digital cellular telephone) caused heart attacks and the deaths of some chicken embryos subjected to hypoxic conditions in the laboratory while controls subjected to hypoxia were unaffected (DiCarlo et al. 2002).
The full text of the letter, the addendum and citations are available at:
Al Manville PhD, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, gives a presentation to Congress on radiation impacts on wildlife (2007):
[2 min 33 sec video at webpage]
Sources & more information:


Adapted from:

August 7: Expert environmental lawyer to talk on Wi-Fi in schools

Just a reminder for people who are in the Hawkes Bay area that expert environmental lawyer Sue Grey will be giving a talk on the science, health and other issues associated with wi-fi in schools in Hastings on August 7.


Full details are at this link:


If you are not in Hawkes Bay yourself but have friends or family there, please let them know about this important presentation.  Thank you.

Maori Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Maori Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


Please click on the link below to read the response from the Maori Party:

Maori Party response to 2014 Election Questionnaire

United Future: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the United Future Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link: Links to other parties’ responses are here:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:

Please click on the link below to read the response from the United Future party:

United Future party’s answers to 2014 Election Questionnaire