This website has covered recent reports of smart meters failing in a spectacular manner overseas.

Now there has been a similar incident in NZ in which high voltage lines (33,000 volts) accidentally touched lower voltage (11,000 volts) lines causing a power surge that adversely affected around 400 homes in the area, causing smart meters to “blow apart”.  In addition, residents had various other electronic equipment such as TVs, washings machines, firdges and other smaller appliances damaged.
Electrician Kevin Byers was quoted as saying:

“One little village we went to [in Waikanae], they had about 10 of their smart meters were all blown apart. We had to go through and bypass all of those, under Electra’s instruction, so they could have power back on.”

You can read the full story here:

NB: If you were affected by the power surge you can email  if you would like to share what happened to your electricity meter (whether it is a smart meter or an electromechanical meter) you can reach us through the Contact Form.