The results of a survey of people whose health has been adversely affected by “smart meters” are now available in summary form at this link or the full report may be downloaded from the link below.
The survey used an online questionnaire and asked all participants the same questions.
The majority of people (59%) were not electrosensitive (ES) prior to the installation of the “smart meter” and 82% reported their health was “good” or “excellent” prior to the installation of the “smart meter”. People were affected in different ways by the “smart meters”, however, according to the link above, “Reports of insomnia, tinnitus, pressure in the head, difficulty concentrating, headaches and heart arrhythmia were particularly common.”
(Similar symptoms, including headaches, tinnitus, sleeping difficulties and heart palpitations, have been reported to by New Zealanders who have had a “smart meter” installed at their home.)
In the survey, a nocebo affect could be ruled out for a lot of participants because many of the survey participants (42%) developed symptoms before they knew that a “smart meter” had been installed. Moreover 63% of the participants had not been concerned about “smart meters” before they developed the “smart meter”-associated symptoms.
The good news was that when the “smart meter” was improved, 91% experienced an improvement in their health. However, some had ongoing problems even after the “smart meter” was removed.
Quoting from the link above:
“About 45% of the responders believe that the smart meters caused them to become electrically sensitive.”
A similar association between the development of electrosensitivity in previously healthy people after a “smart meter” installation was found in a case series collated by Australian physician Dr. Federica Lamech. (See:
The potential for “smart meters” to cause people to develop electrosensitivity (ES) (also know as electrohypersensitvity or EHS) is a major concern considering that this people with this condition suffer from painful and debilitating symptoms when exposed to levels of electromagnetic radiation and/or electromagnetic fields (from cell phone towers, cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, household wiring etc.) that are almost impossible to avoid in developed countries. (For more information on EHS: please see these links:
(Health professionals who need information on the assessment and treatment of people with electrosensitivities may find this link helpful:
Quoting from
“Effects of new or worsened electrical sensitivities, due to smart meters:
• 19% were forced to leave their job
• 24% needed accommodations at work
• 48% needed accommodations at home
• 64% had limited capacity to work
• 17% moved away from their home
• 37% want to move away, but cannot
• 24% can use a cell phone without symptoms, as opposed to 50% before the smart meter
• 39% can use a computer without symptoms, as opposed to 79% before the smart meter
“Could the health effects have another cause?
“The survey explores other explanations through several questions. Other possibilities include equipment installed in the home around the time the smart meter was installed, as well as outside sources, such as nearby transmitters. The answers do not point to such alternative explanations.’
The full report may be downloaded here:
Site editor’s note:
If you still have an analogue meter and do not want a “smart meter” please see this link:
If you want to get rid of an existing “smart meter”, please see this link:
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