Tairua is currently the location of a trial of smart water meters, so it’s especially appropriate that the town is going to have a screening of Take Back Your Power (see www.takebackyourpower.net); the award-winning documentary that gives all the facts about smart meters.

The date for the screening is:   Tuesday 25th November

Venue:  Tairua Community Library

Time:  6:30 – 8:30pm

Donation/Koha requested to help cover the organiser’s costs, please.

To be put in touch with the local organiser, please email through this  link and with your permission your enquiry will be forwarded on.   Thank you.


NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for the email list at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz.  This link also includes a search facility to allow you to search the website for topics of interest.