Smart meter bullying is an international problem

Website editor’s note:  Over the years Stop Smart Meters NZ has reported on New Zealanders (such as this one) who have been bullied by electricity companies that want to install smart meters at their homes or businesses regardless of the fact that customers don’t want them – and have good reasons for refusing their installation.

Recently Stop Smart Meters NZ received an email regarding a case of smart meter bullying in Spain, illustrating the fact that electricity companies there are similarly shameless in the way that they are prepared to bully people who do not want smart meters.



June 11, 2018

Dear Stop Smart Meters NZ,


I am writing you from Spain, my home country, where a struggle against smart meters has been taking place in the last few years, ever since the Spanish Government issued a decree in 2012 making mandatory to have the analog meters replaced by smart meters.


Since I rejected the installation of a smart meter by IBERDROLA – the Spanish utility company three years ago, I have been following very closely this struggle in countries like Unites States, Australia, Canada, United Kindom and, of course, yours in New Zeeland.


In Spain, the struggle is relatively active, but the awesome power of electrical companies and the idleness of the government, makes it extremely difficult for citizens to win this war. We have no one in the government willing to openly confront electrical companies, the reason being what you call “revolving doors”, i.e some high government officials are given very well paid jobs in the board of directors of the electrical companies once they leave their public life. We have a list of high ranking officials, including former Spanish presidents, who today are occupying a seat in the board of directors of Iberdrola, Endesa, Gas Natural, etc.,”


After my three years of struggle and my repeated argument that I reject the smart meter on medical grounds, (I have been diagnosed with CLL (Leukemia) which could very well be linked to electromagnetic waves), Iberdrola has kept on bullying me and just last week has given me a final warning threatening with having my electrical supply interrupted if I do not let them to install me a smart meter; this is plain bulling since the only reason to suspend electrical supply is to have two consecutive unpaid bills and I always pay my bills on time.


I know that my case has nothing to do with your struggle in New Zeeland, but I believe that if, published in your web, it will serve to convey to New Zeeland citizens and also citizens of other countries like myself, that the struggle is not confined to a particular country but that it has become universal, as demonstrated by the already institutionalized “International Day of Action Against Smart Meters”. I can assure you that, if this case is referred in your web, I will make sure that it is published in the various related webs existing in Spain.


Kind regards,

Manuel Delgado

Madrid, Spain


Website editor’s note

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NB: If you wish to report a smart meter related problem (for example new symptoms after a smart meter installation or a fire or bullying behaviour on the part of a smart meter installer or staff in any electricity company, you may do this through the contact form at this link:

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