Germany said it probably won’t follow smart-meter guidance from the European Union – which has recommended that 80 percent of homes install the devices by 2020 – because such a move would be too costly for consumers.

The EU proposal is “inadvisable” for Germany, the Economy Ministry said in a statement, citing a study it commissioned from consultants Ernst & Young. For users with low power consumption, the installation cost would be greater than the achievable energy savings, it said.

“The results show that we in Germany have to expand smart measuring systems and meters selectively and in line with the energy switch,” Deputy Economy Minister Stefan Kapferer said, referring to the country’s shift away from nuclear generation and toward renewable power.

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NB:  A  US organisation, the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) based in Washigton, DC, also came to a similar conclusion about the “smart grid”.  The organisation’s report “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” may be accessed through this link: