Site editor’s report: Here is a report from a New Zealander that I received earlier this week.
Please note that reports of smart meter-related illness made to (such as via are treated in confidence and information not posted on this site unless permission is given in writing.)
I just wanted to report that a smart meter was installed in our house three years ago (in the garage under my bedroom). I suffered intermittent bout of irregular and fast heart beats, especially during the night, four cardiology reviews, treadmills echoes .. No answers…. The modem in the smart meter* was deactivated five months ago, and we hardwired our computers … No more heart problems !!
In my view the smart meter had everything to do with my symptoms.
[Full name supplied – Ed]
*Ed note: The smart meter was an EDMI Mk7C brand which has a modem that can be removed or disconnected. (The modem in a smart meter, also sometimes called a “network interface card” or “comms unit” is the part of the smart meter that produces the microwave radiation.) The family was initially with Mercury but Mercury refused to do anything to help so they changed to Contact which deactivated the modem.
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