The following text comes from the latest email newsletter produced by the team who produced the award winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power.
The text in italics is quoted from the newsletter. The comments in [ ] are notes from the editor of
As you can see by reading the exchange, it appears that at least one company in the North American telecommunications industry is exposing its workers to illegal and dangerous levels of microwave radiation because the transmitters are not turned off when there are workers in the vicinity.
If any readers work in the telecommunications industry in NZ (or other countries) and are concerned that the practice of exposing workers to illegal levels of microwave radiation may be occurring in your country, you can share your concerns via the Contact Form at this link:
Reports are treated in confidence and information is not posted on the website unless permission is given in writing.
NB: If you would like to keep up with smart meter related (and other EMR related) news in NZ, you may wish to join the email list at
Figured I’d tell this story here about how things are shifting even within the industry…
I saw the AT&T trucks today, the guys were working on the cell towers. I’ve been wanting to talk to them for months but I never get a chance to talk to them.
So I walk over there today and just then a guy comes down and says “Hey”.
So I said “Hey man, do you mind if I ask you some questions about the cell towers?”
He said “Sure thing, go ahead”, real friendly.
I then asked a bunch of technical questions about the design of the towers and stuff, just saying I was fascinated by the technology. He answered them and I learned a bunch of stuff. He mentioned that the round antennas are higher frequency microwaves.
Then he said that the US is soon going to 5G, Korea (I think) is already going to 5G and “they’re ahead of us”, but that “lots of countries are holding off on 5G because of environmental concerns and health concerns”.
I said “really?”
He said, “Yeah, and the head of the FCC recently said ‘We’re not going to let research slow us down.’”
I said “Wow, he said that? That’s really bold.”
He said “Yeah I think so.”
So I said, “Are you interested in the health concerns from this stuff?”
“Yeah, I mean…yeah.”
Me: Me too
Him: Really? Lots of us in this line of work are getting leukemia and cancer. [NB: Recent research has shown a link between exposure to microwave radiation and cancer – see this link for details.]
Me: I’ve been interested in it for a while because I work here, so close to two towers.
Him: They used to turn off the transmitters when we worked on them. Now they refuse to turn off the transmitters while we work on them and they don’t let us carry around a RF meter anymore. They’ve got transmitters on top of buildings now. . .
Me: Yeah I’ve seen them!
Him: Yeah! You know the M****** H****** Hotel? I was just up there. And you just walk right up to them.
Me: Really? Man you’re right in front of those things!
Him: Yeah, and they’re not turning them off anymore. I’m just getting blasted.
Me: I’ve got a meter and I get readings at this school of 10-20 mW/cm2 per channel. And a cell tower has like 70 channels right?
Him: You have a RF meter? (He couldn’t believe it).
Me: Yeah! I drive around town and see what the levels are like.
Him: No way… Like I said, they forbid us from having them now.
Me: So I just looked up the federal limits on Saturday. It says the federal limit is 10 mW/cm2. On this playground I’ve gotten a reading of 15 mW/cm2 on one channel… but the cell tower puts out 70 something channels, does that mean it’s putting out roughly 15×70 mW/cm2?
Him: Most likely, yeah. Yeah all of us are worried about it. It’s high enough levels to heat things up. My face burns whenever I use a cellphone. [This symptom suggests that the telecommunications worker has become sensitised to microwave radiation and could be on his way to developing electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Some case histories of people who develop EHS suggest that exposure to high levels of microwave radiation may be a causative factor. So-called “smart” electricity meters are suspected of causing EHS in some people. More information about EHS may be found below.]
Me: Everybody at the school is always hot, even when the air is cold.
(Note: radiant heat [long wave light] heats up a body without heating up air).
Him: Really? The industry people are actually worried that 5G is going to have a really big, even more noticeable thermal presence because the high frequencies have so much more power in them.
The following text is excerpted from the latest newsletter from the team at
People everywhere, including those in media and wireless companies, are waking up to the reality and huge implications of wireless/EMF harm.
And the wake-up is happening faster than we probably think. Here are 4 cases in point:
#1: CNN just aired an episode on toxins that included EMF on prime time (Morgan Spurlock’s Inside Man: The Truth About Toxins). More info / view it
#2: Legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog’s new feature “Lo And Behold” (from Sundance 2016) about the Internet-of-Things was just released, which features a segment on electrosensitive people that was respectfully done. Watch trailer / see it in theatres
#3:The GFIM World 2016 Congress (Oct 7-9, 2016 in Santa Fe, NM) will feature a special EMF PANEL with Camilla Rees MBA, Dietrich Klinghardt PhD, Martin Pall PhD, and Yury Kronn PhD. (GFIM stands for Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines.) More info / trailer / registration
Roll outs of wireless so-called “smart” meters are ongoing in many areas of NZ. (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters in their letters to customers or simply state that the company plans to install the “next generation” meter or upgrade or a replace the existing meter.)
If you live in an area where smart meters are being installed you may receive a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
You can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
How to get updates on the NZ smart meter situation
If you have found this information interesting or useful, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
Please share this link widely and encourage your family and friends to make time to watch it before the free screening window ends on Tuesday (US time). Take Back Your Power is one of the best tools there is for helping people realise the threat that so called “smart” or “advanced” meter pose to their health, finances and privacy.
NB: Do you have family or friends in Australia?
(Please note that if you have family and friends in Australia, there are smart meter roll outs taking place in some states there, too, but in some areas the authorities are using the term “digital meters”to disguise the fact that the new meters are “smart” meters.
Smart meters are NOT compulsory in NZ
Roll outs of wireless so-called “smart” meters are ongoing in many areas of NZ, including, currently, the Hokianga region. (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters in their letters to customers or simply state that the company plans to install the next generation meter or upgrade or a replace the existing meter.)
If you live in an area where smart meters are being installed you may receive a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
You can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
How to get updates on the NZ smart meter situation
If you have found this information interesting or useful, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
The leading US experts on wireless radiation and human health impacts participate in a live press conference prior to their panel at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting in Baltimore. Featuring Dr. Devra Davis, Dr. Hugh Taylor, Dr. Martha Herbert and Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair.
Please note that cordless phones and cell phones, wi-fi and microwave ovens are among some of the highest sources of the wireless radiation in many homes.
A traditional landline with a cord and a safe hardwired internet connection is a good way to start to protect your children’s health. (Here and here are links to help you.) Also: Avoid using a microwave because a lot of microwave radiation can leak out of these ovens.
Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ
Roll outs of wireless so-called “smart” meters are ongoing in many areas of NZ, including, currently, the Hokianga region. (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters in their letters to customers or simply state that the company plans to install the next generation meter or upgrade or a replace the existing meter.)
If you live in an area where smart meters are being installed you may receive a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
You can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
How to get updates on the NZ smart meter situation
If you have found this information interesting or useful, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
At the video at the link below, you can hear Dr. Devra Davis briefing the Massachusetts State House on wireless radiation and health.
Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ
Roll outs of wireless so-called “smart” meters are ongoing in many areas of NZ, including, currently, the Hokianga region. (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters in their letters to customers or simply state that the company plans to install the next generation meter or upgrade or a replace the existing meter.)
If you live in an area where smart meters are being installed you may receive a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
You can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
How to get updates on the NZ smart meter situation
If you have found this information interesting or useful, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
In 2015, the late Dr Nicholas Gonzalez who was famous for successfully treating people who had advanced cancers (whose condition was usually considered “incurable”) gave an interview about the health hazards of wireless technologies, including so-called “smart” meters.
(You can learn about Dr. Gonzalez and his work at the website of the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation at this link: )
You can see the interview with Dr. Gonzalez at the link below:
Smart meter roll outs ongoing in many areas of NZ, including, currently, the Hokianga region starting (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters in their letters to customers or simply state that the company plans to install the next generation meter or upgrade or a replace the existing meter.)
If you live in an area where smart meters are being installed you may receive a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
You can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
How to get updates on the NZ smart meter situation
If you have found this information interesting or useful, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
Josh del Sol (producer of the award-winning smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power) has produced a short report on how the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has just rubber stamped “5G”.
The current head of the FCC, by the way, used to head up the US wireless technologies lobby group.
Kevin Mottus from Parents for Safe Technology describes in an interview with Josh del Sol how he and a reporter were threatened with being thrown out of the meeting (which was open to the public) for beginning to discuss the potential health implications of introducing more wireless infrastructure.
Please watch the video below to learn more about this issue and share this link with friends and family in the USA.
If you have found this post interesting and want to learn more about wireless and health issues and the health, privacy and financial concerns with smart meters, please sign up to the free email list at
Stop Smart Meters NZ is now on Facebook and you can get updates by visiting our page at this link:
Smart meter roll outs are planned for the Northland area encompassing the Hokianga region starting from the week beginning July 25. (Some companies may describe smart meters as “advanced” meters.
If you are in this area, you may have received a letter stating that your meter will be upgraded or replaced, however sometimes letters get lost in the mail and do not arrive prior to a planned installation.
If you are in the Northland or Hokianga area, the link below gives you the information you need to keep your home or business smart meter free. Or you can click HERE for information on how to avoid getting a smart meter.
Please note that while some electricity company representatives tell customers that smart meters are “compulsory” or are a “government requirement” or use other words to this effect, this is not true. The legal situation regarding electricity meters is explained at this link.
Website editor’s note: The text below is supplied by the editors of the free EMR Aawrenewsletter
Welcome to the July-August 2016 edition of our free EMR Aware newsletter. In it you will find a selection of the latest science and media reports on the biological, social, and environmental impacts of electro-technologies.
To view, please click on the link below. While at our website, why not also explore our previous newsletters? As a whole, they form a comprehensive overview of current issues relating to EMR.
So-called “smart” or “advanced” meters (a source of EMR) are not compulsory in NZ
Please note that while some electricity company staff claim that smart meters are compulsory or some sort of government requirement it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ.
Please note that it seems to be quite common for smart meters to be installed without prior notification, so if you still have an analogue meter and want to keep it, it would be prudent to take steps to prevent a smart meter installation NOW.
Resources to help you refuse a smart meter, including bilingual Te Reo/English options may be found at this LINK of
Professor Olle Johansson (who is a neuroscientist and expert on electrohypersensitivity) is talking at a FREE summit on Alzheimer’s and dementia that is coming up soon.
One of the unfortunate truths of our times is that exposure to non-ionising microwave radiation (the type of radiation produced by cell phones, cordless phones and smart meters) can harm the brain and potentially lead to neurodegenerative disease.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if you want to keep your brain in good working order there are lots of things you can do such as avoid the use of mobile and cordless phones and say no to a smart meter.
Plus the FREE online summit also has information about treatments for dementia that you might not otherwise learn about. (Yes, there are treatments for some types of dementia; unfortunately many doctors are not up to date with them.)
You can register for the summit at this link:
NB: Please share this post via email and/or social media to help other people learn how about this event. Thank you.
Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ
Please note that while some electricity company staff claim that smart meters are compulsory or some sort of government requirement it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ.
Please note that it seems to be quite common for smart meters to be installed without prior notification, so if you still have an analogue meter and want to keep it, it would be prudent to take the above steps to prevent a smart meter installation NOW.
Resources to help you refuse a smart meter, including bilingual Te Reo/English options may be found at this LINK of
I have received a recent report of a locked meter box being broken into for the purposes of installing a smart meter. This report came from a New Zealander. (If any readers have similarly suffered forced smart meter installations, you can contact for advice via our contact form at this link:
The forced smart meter installation took place despite the person who made the report having previously informed their electricity retailer that a smart meter was not wanted and was under the impression that a smart meter would not be installed. (There was no notice on the meter box at the time of the forced installation.)
The following steps should prevent other such forced installations:
1) Put a sign on your meter box that prohibits entry to the meter box for any activity other than meter reading or maintenance of the existing meter unless you (as the home owner or tenant) have specifically authorised access to the meter box for any other work. The notice at this link can be adapted to your needs
If you want you can add your name and address to the bottom of the notice.
2) Put a lock on your meter box (you should check your Terms and Conditions first to make sure that this is not prohibited under your supply contract) and then take a photo of your meter box with its sign and lock and keep this somewhere safe.
2) Inform your electricity retailer in writing (email is OK) that you will not accept a smart meter at your home or business. Keep a record of the email sent or use registered mail or a signature required courier if you send a printed letter. Archive any reply that you may receive from your electricity retailer.
NB: Please share this post via email and/or social media to help other people learn how to prevent a smart meter installation.
Smart meters are not compulsory in NZ
Please note that while some electricity company staff claim that smart meters are compulsory or some sort of government requirement it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ.
Please note that it seems to be quite common for smart meters to be installed without prior notification, so if you still have an analogue meter and want to keep it, it would be prudent to take the above steps to prevent a smart meter installation NOW.
Resources to help you refuse a smart meter, including bilingual Te Reo/English options may be found at this LINK of
This shouldn’t be much of a surprise given that a number of studies show that people who use cell phones are at increased risk of developing some types of cancer. (NB: See below for some examples as well as important tips to reduce your exposure to radiation from your cell phone, if you have to use one.)
You can read coverage by the Wall Street Journal of this study at this link (you may need to be a subscriber to access the full article) or an article and interview about the study in Scientific American HERE.
Cell phones and cancer in humans
A 2014 study (published in the journal Pathophysiology) showed that the brain tumour risk was highest after 25 years of mobile phone use and after 15-20 years of cordless phone use.
It is now indisputable that radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the microwave range such is produced by cordless and mobile phones, cordless phone bases, smart meters and cell phone towers has been classified by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “possible carcinogen” (type 2B).
Cellular phone use safety tips:
I realise that many people do have jobs that require them to use a cellular phone.
Please note that ideally, cellular phone use should be minimised, because the more cellular phones are used, the more cellular phone infrastructure is need to support the phones’ use – and living close to cellular phone base stations has been associated with increased risk of cancer in several studies, for example, the one that you can read HERE.
Ed note: If you think that this article is important, please share it, thank you!
This article is also accessible through our Facebook page at this link:
Please note that it is NOT compulsory to have a smart meter in NZ and to learn how people are refusing to have one installed, please see this LINK. Please notethat it seems to be quite common for smart meters to be installed without prior notification, so if you still have an analogue meter and want to keep it, it would be prudent to take steps to prevent a smart meter installation NOW.
Resources to help you refuse a smart meter, including bilingual Te Reo/English options may be found at this LINK of
To sign up for the free email newsletter, please visit
Ed note: In the spirit of an image being equal to one thousand words, please look at the graph below. The graph was created using data supplied to Auckland City Council (prior to the advent of the “super city” Auckland Council) by Mighty River Power.
Mighty River Power owns the smart metering business “Metrix” as well as four electricity retailers, namely Mercury Energy, Tiny Mighty, Bosco and Globug. (The latter company provides a pre-pay electricity service in which customers have both a smart meter plus a second RF producing device (known as a Globug) installed in their home; you can read more about this system HERE.)
As a general rule, Metrix has been installing Elster gREX mesh network smart meters in its customers’ homes. These are a type of radio mesh meter.
As you can see from the graph (which you can enlarge by clicking on it), at close range to the radio mesh network smart meter, the exposure from the meter when it is transmitting is very high.
Please also note that the limit for RF at 900 MHZ, according to NZ Standard (NZS) 2772.1:1999 is approximately 450 µW/cm2 (450 microwatts per centimetre squared).
However, under normal operating conditions, smart meters do not emit RF constantly – they emit RF in brief bursts. Some smart meters produce RF every fifteen minutes; others may emit RF more or less often. Testing of a smart meter in operation will show its emission profile.)
The graph above shows that during these brief emissions, the intensity of RF within a few centimetres of the smart meter is between 100 and 200 times 450 µW/cm2. But this is still legal, because if you average the meter’s emissions over six minutes (during most of which time the meter is not emitting at all) you come up with the answer that the average emission is practically zero. (Time-averaging over six minutes is specified under NZS 2772.1:1999.)
To put the emissions into perspective, the report compiled by a coalition of scientist available at, just 0.1 microwatts per centimetre squared is recommended as the upper limit for human exposure. (Yes, that it just one tenth of one microwatt per centimetre squared.)
Fortunately smart meters are not compulsory in NZ so no one needs to put up with this type of unnecessary exposure to this type of radiation which is classified as a possible carcinogen (type 2B).
A note about units of measurement: Most of the posts on this site use microwatts per metre squared as a unit of measurement. Using this measurement, the upper limit under NZS 2772.2:1999 is approximately 4.5 million microwatts per metre squared while the upper limit recommended in the BioInitiative Report is 1000 microwatts per metre squared.
Other posts on the site that discuss the emissions of different types of smart meters may be found HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE (under the Technical FAQs section).
NB: If you are interested in the smart meter issue, please sign up for updates at
Last week Katherine Smith (founder of was interviewed by Sage Forest for the Fresh FM in Takaka. The interview ran on Friday May 6 and focuses on the health problems reported after smart meter installations.
It will be available as a podcast on the website at this link (Scroll down and it will be listed on “Fresh Start Friday with Sage and Grant”.)
The interview will be repeated on the following dates on the Health Views show in mid June.
The dates are 11.40am Tues 14 June, replay 2.40 Friday 17th.
This will be able to heard live by going to the website for the radio station:
A new study by Professor Simon Chapman et al which was published by Cancer Epidemiology has just been trumpeted in The Conversation and the Daily Mail as showing that cell phones don’t cause brain cancer.
But is this really the case?
The text of abstract alone gives rise to some observations and pertinent questions:
Why was 10 years chosen for a cut off point for the Chapman study?
The new Chapman study was designed to detect a 50% increase in incidence in brain cancer assuming that this excess risk should show up at 10 years of cellular phone use.
By comparison, world renowned Australian neurosurgeon Charlie Teo (whose surgical skill has saved or extended the lives of many brain tumour patients) has been quoted (in 2008 as saying: “If you look at the science on mobile phones and the link with brain cancer, it is quite compelling … we know that [ionising] radiation causes cancer, but it takes about ten years for it to develop, so we know that electromagnetic radiation [from phones] is going to take at least ten years to create brain tumours and possibly longer fifteen, twenty years.” [emphasis added]
Moreover, a major study byLennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg published in 2014, showed a significant increase in glioma (a common, and unfortunately often fatal, type of brain tumour) for people who used both mobile and cordless phones.
The 2014 study (published in the journal Pathophysiology) showed that the brain tumour risk was highest after 25 years of mobile phone use and after 15-20 years of cordless phone use.
According to the Chapman study, mobile phones were introduced into Australia 29 years ago. Given that the Hardell study shows that it takes 25 years (or more) exposure for the maximum increase in cell phone-related brain cancers to be detected, it is perhaps not surprising that the 2016 Chapman study did not find a significant excess risk.
According to the Chapman study abstract, cell phones were introduced into Australia in 1987 (only 29 year ago). While today over 90% of Australians are estimated to use a cell phone, at the time of the introduction of this technology to the country in 1987, only a small minority of people actually used a cell phone. (Even by 1993 only 9% of the population was estimated to use a cell phone.) On this basis, relatively few Australians would have had 25 years of exposure to cell phones over the period examined by the study and this would have biased the study towards a “no effect” result.
Was the Chapman study designed to reach the conclusion that cell phones don’t cause cancer?
There is no information about any of the authors’ possible conflicts of interest on the study abstract.
However, Professor Simon Chapman appears to have (or have had) links with the cellular phone industry.
He is the co-author of a paper that examined the impact of cellular phones in emergency situations. (The paper showed that cell phones can be of assistance in helping people get help quicker in emergencies such as car accidents or being lost in the bush.)
The full text version of this paper acknowledges that funding for the study was provided by AMTA (Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association).
Simon Chapman is also the author of a book called Lifesavers and cellular samaritans : emergency use of cellular (mobile) phones in Australia.
It is interesting, given this publication record, that Simon Chapman does not declare any conflict of interest in the relevant section of the paper. He could for example, have included a statement to the effect that he has received funding from a telecommunications industry body (AMTA) for a previous paper. (On the other hand, I do not know the disclosure policy for the journal; perhaps authors are required to disclose only funding specifically relevant to the particular paper rather than sources of funding for past work.)
Regardless of whether Professor Simon Chapman does or does not have any telecommunications industry links that may (or may not) have biased his new paper, in my opinion, the media coverage of his 2016 paper is potentially extremely destructive to public health.
It is apparent from the Hardell studies that cellular and cordless phone risk are similar to cigarette smoking in that it can take decades of heavy smoking before lung cancer develops – and of course not all heavy smokers develop lung cancer, although they may suffer from other smoking-related conditions.
With an estimated 90% plus of Australians using cellular phones (and a similar proportion of people in NZ), twenty five years from now we could easily be looking at a significant number of people developing brain tumours that could have been avoided had there been clear public health messaging to avoid cordless and cellular phone use – except in an emergency.
Today virtually everyone knows that smoking increases the risk of developing lung cancer. (Based on US insurance statistics a white male who smokes has about 10 times the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer as a non-smoking white male.)
However, while the smoking-lung cancer connection is now so well known it is practically taken for granted, this was not always the case. For decades, as genuine research on smoking and disease was being published, so too was tobacco industry funded research also published. This industry sponsored research (aka “tobacco science”) caused confusion in the public and resulted in many people continuing to smoke because they believed that it was safe – and consequently caused many, many unnecessarily early deaths.
A failure by mainstream media to inform the public about the research that demonstrates links between cellular and cordless phone use and cancer could have the same tragic consequences.
Ed note: If you think that this article is important, please share it, thank you!
Cellular phone use safety tips:
I realise that many people do have jobs that require them to use a cellular phone.
Please note that ideally, cellular phone use should be minimised, because the more cellular phones are used, the more cellular phone infrastructure is need to support the phones’ use – and living close to cellular phone base stations has been associated with increased risk of cancer in several studies, for example, the one that you can read HERE.
if you are interested in receiving newsletters from (mostly about smart meters but occasionally about other technologies that produce miocrowave radiation) there is a free email list at )
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