National Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the National Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:Links to other parties’ responses are here:

A general discussion of the responses from some political parties may be found at this link:   [add link ] (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as some of the party responses contain statements that are misleading, and the discussion de-bunks these statements.)

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:

The National Party did not answer the 2014 Election Questionnaire, but instead made a written statement which you may read below.


Response from the National Party (received June 26, 2014)

Dear Katherine


Please see below statement from Hon Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources.


Increased competition is the Government’s key policy for keeping power prices down. Competition provides incentives for retailers to offer services valued by their customers, and one such service is smart meters, which have the potential to drive considerable innovation in products and pricing.  The rollout of smart meters has been done without any Government regulation or funding. 


Kind regards,

Cameron Oldfield

(Mr Oldfield is Hon Simon Bridges’ private secretary.)


Website editor’s note: it seems fair to assume that the National Party is in favour of “smart meters” given that Mr Bridges has established a national Smart Gird Forum.  (See: )


Links to the other political parties’ responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


The text of the 2014 election questionnaire sent to each political party may be read below:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [email address was here but has been removed from this online posting to prevent spamming]

Name of political party:

Name of person completing the form:

Position in political party:                                                          Email:



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES   NO [Please circle/highlight]

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? YES NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed:


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?


Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?

YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]


Why/Why not?


Thank you for your time.




Mana Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Mana Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)


The Mana Party did not respond to the 2014 Election Questionnaire.

I am not aware of any publicly-available information on the party’s position on “smart meters”.  If anyone is aware of information regarding the party’s position, please email me through the Contact form at this link   

Special note to any representatives of the Mana party reading this post:  If you would like to complete the questionnaire, please email me through and I will send the questionnaire to you.  Thank you.

Links to other political parties’ responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


The text of the 2014 election questionnaire sent to each political party was the following:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [email address was here but has been removed from this online posting to prevent spamming]

Name of political party:

Name of person completing the form:

Position in political party:                                                           Email:



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES   NO [Please circle/highlight]

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? YES NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed:


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?


Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?

YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]


Why/Why not?


Thank you for your time.


Labour Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Labour Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

The Labour Party did not respond to 2014 Election Questionnaire.

However, based on the fact that Labour’s Energy spokesman, David Shearer has called for compulsory (“ZigBee”) monitoring chips to be installed in “smart meters”, it seems fair to assume that the party is pro-“smart meters”. (ZigBee chips are designed to emit higher frequency microwave radiation to communicate with any “smart appliances” in a home and may also be used to send information to an in-home energy monitor. The microwave radiation produced by a ZigBee chip (also called a ZigeBee unit) is in addition to the microwave radiation produced to send information about electricity consumption back to the electricity company.)

Labour’s press release may be read here:

A TVNZ story on the issue may be read here:

I am not aware of any other publicly-available information on the party’s position on “smart meters”.  If anyone is aware of information regarding the party’s position, please email me through the Contact form at this link   

Special note to any representatives of the Labour party reading this post:  If you would like to complete the questionnaire, please email me through and I will send the questionnaire to you.  Thank you.

Links to other political parties’ responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


The text of the 2014 election questionnaire sent to each political party was the following:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [email address was here but has been removed from this online posting to prevent spamming]

Name of political party:

Name of person completing the form:

Position in political party:                                                           Email:



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES   NO [Please circle/highlight]

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? YES NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed:


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?


Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?

YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]


Why/Why not?


Thank you for your time.


Internet Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Internet Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:Links to other parties’ responses are here:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


Please click on the link below to read the response from the Internet Party.

Internet Party reply to Stop Smart Meters NZ Political Parties Questionnaire 2014

Green Party: 214 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Green party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

The Green Party did not complete the 2014 Election Questionnaire, but did issue  a written statement on the “Smart meter” issue.

Below the response that was received from the Green party on June 15, 2014.


Green Party response to Stop Smart Meters questions:


Smart meters reduce the carbon footprint of electricity reticulation because they do not require vehicular movement to regularly read meters and because they facilitate more efficient use of power stations, lines and sub-stations and thereby reduce the need to build new electricity generation and reticulation infrastructure.

With regard to the safety of smart meters, the Green Party’s position is guided by the evidence available. Research   [Website editor’s note: This “research” has been debunked and you can read a critique here: ] into this issue (to which this questionnaire itself refers at Question 8 below) has been undertaken by the Electric Power Engineering Centre (EPEC) of the University of Canterbury the Smart meters use one or more RF transceiver in the 900MHz, 1.8GHz or 2.4GHz band. The University of Canterbury EPEC research affirms that during transmission (normally limited to a maximum of 50% of the time and in practice usually very much less than this), smart meters radiate RF power.

The research acknowledges that RF radiation causes heating of body tissue. International standards for maximum personal exposure (MPE) to RF radiation for members of the general public, based on reducing the heating effect to 1/50th of the amount shown to cause noticeable effects in laboratory animals, are in force and must be complied with.


In NZ the current standard is NZS2772: Part 1: 1999, which is to all intents and purposes identical to other national and international standards.


In practice they radiate much less power than this allowance and then for only a small fraction of the time, but even if they radiate the maximum amount, on both bands simultaneously, all the time, and the worst case additive reflection occurs, at any distance greater than 1m from the meter, the exposure is less than 35% of the allowable limit.



The text of the 2014 election questionnaire sent to each political party was the following:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [email address was here but has been removed from this online posting to prevent spamming]

Name of political party:

Name of person completing the form:

Position in political party:                                                           Email:



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES   NO [Please circle/highlight]

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? YES NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed:


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?


Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?

YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]


Why/Why not?


Thank you for your time.




Democrats for Social Credit: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Democrats for Social Credit Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link: [add link]

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other parties’ responses are here:


The Democrats for Social Credit did not complete the 2014 Election Questionnaire.

However, the party has issued a press release calling for a moratorium on “smart meter” installations.  The press release may be read at this link


Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:

Conservative Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Conservative Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from the political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other parties’ responses are here:



Please click on the link below to read the response that was received from the Conservative Party:


Conservative party NZ Political Parties Questionnaire 2014


Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from some political parties may be found at this link:   (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


The response from the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party is below:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [removed to prevent spamming]

Name of political party: Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

Name of person completing the form:           Julian Crawford

Position in political party:               Leader                                          Email: [removed to prevent spamming]



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed: It will be announced during the election campaign.


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?




Why or Why not?

Our main concern is the lack of choice given to consumers about adopting smart meters and the potential privacy risks.


Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?



Why or Why not?

Our party is fundamentally based on principles of personal responsibility and freedom of choice. No one should be forced to use certain technology against their will.


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?




Why or Why not?

It should be made illegal for power companies to force smart meters onto customers because that violates their human rights and freedoms. Only people who consent should be allowed to use smart meters.

Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?




Why or Why not?

If a customer has concerns about their smart meter for health or any other grounds then the power company should be obliged to remove them and replace them with a traditional meter. They should be able to withdraw their consent for the smart meter at any time, for any reason.



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)



Why/Why not?

There are significant privacy concerns around smart meters because they record a precise signal from each individual electronic appliance. This means that the power company can pie together what you are doing at any given point in time. It would be reckless to allow this data to be sold to third parties. Not only is this a gross violation of privacy it is also a means for mass surveillance of the population. We would have reservations about police accessing the data unless they have just cause to obtain a search warrent for a specific crime.

For example people growing cannabis indoors for medical or recreational reasons could be identified and arrested on a mass scale.



Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?




Why/Why not?

More research is needed into the harms of RFR and other electromagnetic radiation caused by wireless devices.



Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?




Why/Why not?

If people want to use smart meters they should be placed as far as possible from bedrooms and other area where people are present.



Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?




Why/Why not?


Metered water is just another unnecessary financial burden on the taxpayers or ratepayers.


Thank you for your time.



In 2013 Beth Karlin from the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs was invited to speak at a small marketing department seminar at the University of Otago. She was speaking about how smart meters had met a lot of resistance in the US and she was working on communicating about smart meters in a way that would make their roll-out smoother in New Zealand.

She dismissed the health concerns as essentially conspiracy theories but failed to address the privacy concerns. She promoted smart meters as a way for people to monitor their own usage and see which appliances are using the most power. It’s based on an environmental angle of reducing power consumption.

Beth spoke about how Mercury Energy was rolling outsmart meters to all homes regardless of whether the customer wanted them. This would be followed by the larger power companies. They aim to bring them in quietly with as little resistance as possible.



Julian Crawford

ALCP Leader



Act Party: 2014 Election Questionnaire

Given that this is an election year, in May 2014, I prepared a formal Election Questionnaire on behalf of and sent it to all the parties I knew to be contesting the 2014 general election.

For the record, I am neither a member of any political party, nor a donor to any political party.

Below is the response from the Act Party ( For a more general discussion of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to replies from other parties contesting the 2014 general election, please see this link:

A general discussion of the responses from some political parties may be found at this link: (Reading this link is recommended for people who are new to the “smart meter” issue as it helps to put the statements made in some of the party responses into the overall context of the “smart meter” situation in NZ.)


The Act Party did not respond to 2014 Election Questionnaire.

I am not aware of any publicly-available information on the party’s position on “smart meters”.  If anyone is aware of information regarding the party’s position, please email me through the Contact form at this link   

Special note to any representatives of the Act party reading this post:  If you would like to complete the questionnaire, please email me through and I will send the questionnaire to you.  Thank you.

Links to other political parties responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire may be found at this link:


 The text of the questionnaire is below:

Political Parties’ Questionnaire (2014)


The new “smart meters” being introduced to measure electricity and water consumption use radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range to transmit information to electricity and water suppliers. The RFR used has been classified by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a “possible carcinogen” (Type 2b.)

The website provides New Zealanders with a local source of information about “smart meters” in NZ. It covers health, privacy and other “smart-meter”-related issues that are important to families and businesses.

The questionnaire will be sent to all political parties and the results will be posted on and will also be featured in the regular newsletters sent to the email list.


Please reply to this questionnaire by June 15, 2014. Thank you.

Replies may be emailed to [email address was here but has been removed from this online posting to prevent spamming]

Name of political party:

Name of person completing the form:

Position in political party:                                                           Email:



Question 1: Does your party have a formal policy on “smart meters”. YES   NO [Please circle/highlight]

If YES, is your party’s policy on “smart meters” available online at your party’s website? YES NO

If YES, please put URL where this information may be accessed:


Question 2: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for electricity?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 3: The current legislation only stipulates the electricity meters must have a current certificate of accuracy, yet some power companies are using this legislation to force people to have “smart meters”. Does your party support the right of people to retain a functioning analogue (Ferraris) meter if they do not want a microwave-radiation emitting “smart meter” measuring electricity consumption at their home?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 4: Some electricity companies are trying to coerce customers into accepting “smart meters” by including in their Terms and Conditions clauses to the effect that the customer must accept a “smart meter” (the inference being that their electricity could be cut off if they do not accept a “smart meter”.) Will your party change the relevant legislation/regulations to make it illegal for companies to try to intimidate customers to accept “smart meters” through such means?


YES   NO   [Please circle/ highlight]

Why or Why not?


Question 5: Members of the public have reported to that once a “smart meter” has been installed it can be very difficult to get it removed, even when it is causing health issues. Will your party make changes to the relevant legislation/regulations so that companies are legally obliged to remove “smart meters” promptly (and replace them with either a modern analogue – Ferraris – meter or another non-smart meter of the customer’s choice) when a customer makes a request for the removal of a “smart meter”?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why or Why not?



Question 6: In their Terms and Conditions, some electricity companies claim to own all data gathered by “smart meters” and the right to disclose it to other parties. We believe that this is a significant breach of privacy. Will your party change the legislation/regulations governing the electricity industry so that data gathered by “smart meters” may be used only for billing purposes and make it an offence to supply this information to any other party (with the exception of the account holder and the police if there is cause to believe that there is/was criminal activity at a home or other building.)


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 7: Given that the RFR produced by “smart meters” is a possible type 2 carcinogen, does your party support a moratorium on further “smart meter” installations until comprehensive research has been conducted into “smart meter” health effects?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?




Question 8: Given that the EPEC Report states that “a sensible approach” is to site “smart meters” somewhere where people are “unlikely to spend longer than a few minutes per day at a distance of less than 1 metre from them,” does your party support a ban on placing “smart meters” on bedroom walls?


YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]

Why/Why not?


Question 9: Does your party support the introduction of “smart” meters for water?

YES   NO   [Please circle/highlight]


Why/Why not?


2014 Election Questionnaire: General Discussion

The purpose of this post is to discuss some of the issues raised in the responses to the 2014 Election Questionnaire.

It is intended to give an overview of the issues with “smart meters” for readers who are new to this subject and/or this website.  (Please note that if you would like updates on the “smart meter” issue you are welcome to sign up for the free email newsletter at

The list of questions in the Election Questionnaire were designed to help educate politicians about the “smart meter” issue, including the fact that the meters produce radiofrequency radiation in the microwave range which is considered a possible carcinogen (class 2B)  to transmit information about electricity use (see: )   and also have adverse effects on people’s privacy, for example: .

Another important issue is that electricity companies have reportedly been bullying customers to try to make people who do not want “smart meters” to accept them (see:     .  Moreover some companies are  trying to use Terms and Conditions to try to intimidate customers into accepting “smart meters” – with the stated or implied threat that their power could be cut off if they do not agree to a “smart meter” installation. ( )

It is also of concern that it can be a very difficult and time consuming process for customers to get rid of “smart meters” once they have been installed, even if they are causing health problems. (Personal communications.) A lot of meters in NZ are on bedroom walls and this site has potential to cause substantial exposure to EMR from a “smart meter”.

There are a lot of myths being promulgated about “smart meters” by the electricity industry. These include  claims that “smart meters” help people save money. While this may be true in some cases, many people have higher bills after a “smart meter” installations (see: ) and if time-of-use pricing is widely introduced higher bills are likely to become a fact of life for everyone – see: and )

Another myth been pushed by the electricity industry is that “smart meters” are a safe technology even though they produce  non-ionising radiation which has been classed as a possible carcinogen.  The electricity industry frequently refers customers who express concern about the safety of “smart meters” to a document produced by the Electrical Power Engineering Centre (EPEC) at the University of Canterbury.  You can read a critique of this document at this link:

Some political parties also support the introduction of “smart” water meters which i a concern given that the “smart” water meters which are being trialled in NZ produce a radiofrequency radiation pulse every eight seconds.  See

The answers (or public statements) made by the representatives of some political parties suggest that some politicians have bought the corporate line that “smart meters” will help people save money and are somehow a safe technology – even though they produce possibly carcinogenic radiation, and all over the world where wireless “smart meters” have been installed, people have been reporting a variety of adverse health effects. (For some examples of common “smart meter”-associated symptoms please see: )


Please bear these thoughts in mind when you read the responses from the different political parties to the Election Questionnaire. Thank you.

The text of the 2014 Election Questionnaire and links to all political parties’ replies may be found at this link:




Public presentation on Wi-Fi in schools August 7th

Taikura Rudolf Steiner School is hosting a presentation, in conjunction with concerned parents, on
Wi-Fi in schools: the science, legal position, policy, and health and safety obligations

Thursday 7th August, 7pm at the Taikura School Hall, Nelson St, Hastings.

Guest Speaker: Expert Environmental Lawyer, Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc (Microbiology & Biochemistry), RSHDipPHI,

An examination of international responses to Wi-Fi technology both at governmental and medical levels as well as current NZ government standards will also be covered . Q & A is scheduled at end of evening.
You are warmly invited to attend this talk if you are in Hastings at this time.


Award-winning documentary to screen Monday July 21

Just a reminder to people who live in or around Motueka that the “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power  will screen at Motueka’s State Cinema on Monday July 21 at 6.30 PM.

The screening is free so please tell everyone you know in this area so they can make plans to attend.


If you are not in this area, you can buy a DVD or stream the documentary via

Shame on you, WEL Networks Ltd

Shame on you, WEL Networks Ltd

Waikato lines company WEL Networks Ltd. should be ashamed of itself for including a statement on its website that appears to be designed to mislead its customers into believing that it is compulsory to  accept the installation of a microwave radiation-emitting “smart meter” that the company has chosen to call a “smart box”.

The statement is “This requirement  for meter replacement is regulated by the NZ government and must be completed nationally by 2015”

In fact there is no law or regulation that requires any company to install “smart meters” or any person to accept a “smart meter”.

You can read the claim by WEL Networks Ltd in the screen shot from the company’s website pasted below. (You can click on the image to make it larger.)

If you have had a “smart box” installed because you believed that it was compulsory, you can contact through this link: 


More information on  the WEL “smart box” installation programme may be found at the links below the image.


WEL Network screen grab showing claim that there is a government requirement for meter replacement June 17 2014

Local electromagnetic radiation expert to speak at The Green Living Show

The Green Living Sow is on in Auckland this weekend (July 5-6) and local electromagnetic radiation and health expert Paul Waddell will be giving a talk at the expo at 3.30 on Sunday July 6.

For more info on The Green Living Show which is always an enjoyable event and features many other great speakers, please see this link:

Speakers and seminar details here:





July 21: Award winning “smart meter” documentary to screen in Motueka

Motueka’s very own State Cinema will host a special community screening of the award-winning “smart meter” documentary Take Back Your Power on Monday, July 21st at at 6.30pm.


The screening is FREE.  (If anyone would like to contribute a donation this would be welcomed but there is no obligation.)


This documentary is a great way to get informed about the “smart meter” issue so if you have friends or family in this area, please let them know about it so they can plan to attend.   Thank you.